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New Device Approved to Reduce Hospital Visits for Cancer Patients

A Game-Changing Device to Revolutionize Cancer Treatment

The Liberty device gets regulatory approval to help cancer patients

A groundbreaking device called the Liberty has recently received regulatory approval, aiming to reduce the time cancer patients spend in hospitals. Developed by the company Entia, the Liberty enables patients to conduct blood tests at home independently and remotely share the results with medical professionals. Advocates of the device highlight that it dramatically minimizes the need for draining hospital visits, potentially boosting productivity for healthcare systems, such as the NHS.

A Patient-Friendly Healthcare Innovation

Cancer patients often undergo various blood tests to monitor essential health indicators, including haemoglobin levels and white blood cell count by medical professionals. This routine, often in the hospital setting, has proven to be physically and mentally exhausting for patients.

Lynn Thompson, a 52-year-old trial patient who has faced ovarian and bowel cancer since 2017, expressed her relief at being able to conduct some of her tests at home. She shared that the Liberty device drastically reduced her stress and anxiety levels, as it eliminated fixed hospital schedules and the need to face her fear of needles.

Empowering Patients and Streamlining Healthcare

Similar to the size of a small printer, the Liberty device allows patients to conduct blood sample analyses with ease from the comfort of their homes. The results can be seamlessly transmitted to hospital teams for prompt evaluation and appropriate actions.

Dr. Sacha Howell, a senior lecturer in medical oncology at the University of Manchester, emphasized that this shift from hospital-based blood testing towards home-based testing solutions benefits patients by providing increased convenience and comfort. Moreover, this innovation could lead to significant cost savings for healthcare systems like the NHS. By enabling patients to take charge of their tests at home, hospitals can deploy their resources more efficiently and avoid the staffing requirements of traditional on-site phlebotomy units.

Promising Trials and Future Outlook

The pilot study of the Liberty device conducted at the Christie, one of Europe’s largest cancer treatment centers, showcased encouraging results. While the trial involved a small number of patients—only 22 individuals—regulatory approval trials included 470 patients, underscoring the device’s potential impact.

Cancer Research UK emphasized the need for cautious optimism at this stage, highlighting the requirement for further research and more extensive clinical trials to evaluate the device’s effectiveness and clinical utility. Notwithstanding, the approval represents a significant milestone, and future trials will shed more light on the Liberty device’s scalability and wider applicability to cancer care.

Dr. Toby Basey-Fisher, CEO of Entia, celebrated the Liberty device as the world’s first-ever blood count analyzer designed for patients to use in their own homes. He stressed that providing insights into patients’ health statuses empowers healthcare professionals to be proactive, efficiently address complications, and potentially reduce hospitalizations and treatment interruptions.

In conclusion, the Liberty device’s regulatory approval brings new hope to cancer patients, allowing for a more patient-centric, remote, and efficient approach to blood testing. While further research and trials lie ahead, this home-based analysis solution could be a game-changer, revolutionizing cancer care.

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