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New Democracy Wins Early Parliamentary Elections in Greece with Absolute Majority

New Democracy Party Wins Early Parliamentary Elections in Greece with Absolute Majority

The center-right party “New Democracy” has emerged victorious in the early parliamentary elections in Greece, securing between 39 and 42 percent of the votes, according to the results of the exit poll. The poll was conducted by order of the main Greek television channels and announced after the end of the election day at 19:00 on Sunday.

With this result, “New Democracy” is set to receive 158 seats in the 300-member parliament, granting them an absolute majority. This majority will enable the party to form an independent government.

The leader of New Democracy, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, had aimed for this outcome after winning more than 40% of the votes in the previous elections on May 21. However, due to the ordinary proportional electoral system in place at the time, the party did not achieve an absolute majority. As a result, Mitsotakis decided to call for new elections, which were held according to the electoral system adopted during the party’s rule. Under this system, the first political force receives up to 50 additional parliamentary seats.

The left-wing SYRIZA party remains in second place in Sunday’s vote, securing between 16.3 and 19.3 percent of the vote and likely to have 47 MPs. The center-left movement PASOK has consolidated its positions from the previous elections, achieving a result between 11.2 and 13.2 percent, which will provide it with 33 deputies.

The Greek Communist Party continues to attract voters, garnering support from between 6.5 and 8.5 percent of voters. This is expected to give the Communists approximately 20 MPs.

The extreme right is also strengthening its positions, with the Spartans party, backed by the convicted former leader of the banned far-right Golden Dawn, Ilias Kasidiaris, surprisingly receiving between 3.6 and 5.6 percent of the vote and entering parliament with 12 MPs.

Two more parties from the far-right and nationalist space are likely to cross the 3 percent threshold for participation in parliament. Kyriakos Velopoulos’ “Greek Solution” is projected to secure between 3.6 and 5.6 percent of the vote, while the conservative NIKI (“Victory”) party is expected to receive between 2.7 and 4.7 percent.

The eurosceptic party “Plevsi Elefterias” (“Freedom Rate”) is on the verge of entering parliament with a projected vote share between 2.1 and 4.1 percent.

The party of former finance minister Yanis Varoufakis, MeRA25, is unlikely to make it past the participation threshold, but still has a chance with a score between 2.1 and 3.4 percent.

The final voter turnout is not yet available, but as of 5 p.m., according to the Greek Ministry of the Interior, it was 40.77 percent, nearly 8 points lower than the May 21 election.

What priorities and policies does Kyriakos Mitsotakis and New Democracy plan to implement to bring about positive changes in Greece’s economy and social welfare

Result, a re-election was necessary to determine the new government.

The victory of New Democracy comes after four years of governing by the left-wing party, Syriza, which faced criticism for its handling of the economy and other issues. New Democracy has promised to bring about positive changes in Greece, focusing on economic growth, job creation, and attracting foreign investment.

The outcome of the early elections is seen as a sign of a shift in Greece’s political landscape, with voters expressing their desire for a change in leadership. The victory of New Democracy is expected to bring stability and optimism to the country, as it has a strong mandate to implement its policies.

The party’s leader, Kyriakos Mitsotakis, has already outlined his priorities, including tax cuts, deregulation, and attracting investment. He has also promised to address issues such as unemployment and social welfare, with a focus on helping the middle class and creating opportunities for young people.

Mitsotakis has expressed his commitment to working with Greece’s international creditors to continue the country’s path to economic recovery. He has also emphasized the importance of maintaining a strong relationship with the European Union and participating actively in EU affairs.

The victory of New Democracy in Greece’s early parliamentary elections marks an important moment for the country and its people. With an absolute majority in parliament, the party is well-positioned to implement its policies and bring about positive change.

Overall, the election result reflects the desire of the Greek people for a new direction and hope for a better future. It is now up to New Democracy to deliver on its promises and steer Greece towards prosperity.

1 thought on “New Democracy Wins Early Parliamentary Elections in Greece with Absolute Majority”

  1. Fantastic news for Greece! The decisive victory of New Democracy with an absolute majority in the early parliamentary elections is a much-needed boost for stability and progress. Congrats to the Greek people for choosing a path towards a brighter future.


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