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New contract for Trabusch probably

Will Markus Trabusch remain artistic director at the Würzburg Mainfranken Theater after 2021? This question was debated for weeks. The city council now made a clear decision.

The topic was on the agenda for four weeks, and now the Würzburg city council has decided: The city will now negotiate with Mainfranken theater director Markus Trabusch about a new contract. Trabusch (58) has been artistic director since 2016, his current contract expires on August 31, 2021. The decision was made by the old city councilor, who was still in office, on Thursday after hours of debate and almost at the last minute: the non-public meeting continued until after 9 p.m., three hours later the legislative period ended.

“After a long, detailed discussion and appreciation of all the arguments, the city council finally asked the administration to negotiate with Markus Trabusch about a new contract,” says the city’s concise statement. “This decision gives clarity to the more than 200 employees that Markus Trabusch’s directorship at the Mainfranken Theater Würzburg will continue beyond 2021”, the Achim Könneke cultural officer responsible for the Mainfranken Theater is quoted.

New contract offer with a term of five years

As was learned, the city council had received two draft resolutions. A draft of the administration had therefore aimed at a complete new invitation to tender for the artistic director. However, the bill was rejected by 28 to 22 votes. After that, an over-fractional proposal was on the table, which had been signed by nine city councilors from six factions. The goal: A new contract offer for Trabusch “at least under the terms of the current contract and for a term of five years”. 30 council members spoke in favor, 20 opposed.

With the decision, a decision of the city council emergency committee of April 2 is off the table. At that time, the 17-member committee had narrowly spoken out against an affiliation contract with nine to eight votes, and a council member had also accidentally voted against the contract. Thereupon 28 council members had requested a new hearing in the city council.

The city council has been dealing with the issue since 2019

Personnel had already been an issue in the city council in summer 2019. At that time, two years before the five-year contract with the director ended, the committee should decide whether Markus Trabusch’s contract would be extended. Weeks earlier, however, theater staff had increasingly complained about the management style and a sometimes harsh tone of the director, but at the same time there were also statements of support.

Both the complaints and the letters of support ended up with Mayor Christian Schuchardt, who was also a theater officer at the time. Schuchardt formed a judgment – and went to Trabusch at a distance. However, the city council decided at the beginning of July to postpone the decision on a contract until the end of the legislative period. The meantime should be used to clarify the problems in the theater with the help of a coach.

The Mainfranken Theater is currently a major construction site: it will be reopened as a state theater in the 2022/23 season.
      Photo: Torsten Schleicher

With the decision of Thursday it is clear that a clear majority of the city council was not ready to follow the position of Mayor Schuchardt and culture officer Könneke. Both had expressed sharp criticism of Trabusch in a statement sent to this editorial office at the beginning of April and had spoken out against a follow-up contract. Such a contract is a sign “that bad leadership will be tolerated. I am not available for that,” said Schuchardt at the time. Even after the externally moderated clarification process, the forecast at the theater was “not good”.

On Friday, the mayor said he was happy that the decision was now taken on a broader basis. Schuchardt did not want to comment on the decision itself: “I do not evaluate this decision.”

Markus Trabusch initially did not comment on the new decision of the city council, as he had not yet received any information from the city: “I cannot comment on a press release. This requires respect for the sovereign – the city council – and of course also for the Office of the Mayor. ”

Greater commitment from the cultural officer is required

With regard to future developments at the theater, city council members spoke to the editorial team. “Now is a decision that everyone can plan with,” said SPD parliamentary group leader Alexander Kolbow. Now it must be the common task of the city and the director to pacify the situation at the theater.

Sebastian Roth (left) also believes that an “intensive accompaniment from the town hall” is necessary, and culture officer Könneke must devote more attention to this task. CSU parliamentary group leader Wolfgang Roth has a similar view: “To pacify the whole thing is a big task, which lies before the culture officer.” Könneke had to “get more involved”. According to OB Schuchardt, Könneke will also conduct the contract negotiations with Markus Trabusch.

The double head of the Mainfranken Theater: Director Markus Trabusch (left) and Managing Director Dirk Terwey.
The double head of the Mainfranken Theater: Director Markus Trabusch (left) and Managing Director Dirk Terwey.
      Photo: Johannes Kiefer

With a view to the double head of theater from director Markus Trabusch and the managing director Dirk Terwey, WL parliamentary group leader Jürgen Weber thinks that “weaving errors” in the current construction must be eliminated. In the event of conflicts, “a referee must come here” The relationship between Trabusch and Terwey has long been considered tense.

FDP / Citizens Forum Group Chairman Joachim Spatz is somewhat pessimistic about the situation after the current decision. “We would have liked to have a new tender. Now I fear that the topic will continue to follow us, and unfortunately not in a positive way.”

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