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New Book: The Queen’s Curt Reaction to an Assassination Attempt

Queen Elizabeth II, who died on September 8, commented relatively dryly on what would have shocked others: Last year, on Christmas Day, a man broke into Windsor Castle with a crossbow aiming to kill the regent. The 19-year-old had previously announced the plan to him via Snapchat and was arrested soon after. And what did the queen think? “Well, that would have put a damper on Christmas, wouldn’t it?” she reportedly told staffers.

This is what Gyles Brandreth (74) recounts in his biography “Elizabeth: An Intimate Portrait”, which will be published on December 8 and of which the “Daily Mail” has published exclusive excerpts. The former British deputy and moderator, who was close to the queen, tells numerous anecdotes in her book: the queen loved the detective series “Line of Duty” and old James Bond films.

And she is said to have initially been enthusiastic about the relationship between Prince Harry (38) and Meghan Markle (41) and offered her: “You can continue to be an actress if you want – after all, this is your job.” The Queen was pleased that Meghan had turned down this offer. However, she was concerned that Prince Harry was “maybe a little too into” Meghan. The Sussexes’ withdrawal from the royal family is said to have been painful for the Queen, but she commented rather coldly on the sensational interview with Oprah Winfrey (68) – like “this TV nonsense”.

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