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New Beach Club Zand Erover in Assen Prepares for Massive Debut at Liberation Festival

The official opening is not until the end of this month, but the new Beach Club Zand Erover on the Baggelhuizerplas in Assen has already had a taste of the real thing. The beach club was unofficially opened last week and a big challenge is coming up next week: the Liberation Festival.

“The entire terrace is full, so the people of Assen know where to find us,” catering entrepreneur Angela Verbaarschot said yesterday afternoon. “There is still a need to solve the startup problems and the employees want to be trained. But then we’ll be ready for it soon.”

According to Verbaarschot, things are going pretty amazing, but you always run into a few things. “For example, the working methods in the kitchen or cash register systems that still do not work optimally. And of course the employees also have to get used to how everything works.”

The employees of Zand Erover do not have much time to get used to their new working environment, because next Sunday they can start working immediately at the Assen Liberation Festival, which will be held at the Baggelhuizerplas. “Everything is already being built and we are also busy with the preparations. It is a good opportunity to show Assen that we are already there,” says Verbaarschot.

“I’ve had a few tough times over the past week, also trying to get everything done on time. But now I’m really looking forward to it. And when I see this sitting on our terrace, it makes me sad. “Happy,” she says, referring to the busy stage of Zand Erover on Thursday afternoon.

The official opening is on May 31, but Verbaarschot already has wild plans for the future. “We would like to have a full terrace next summer with nice weather. After that, I would also like to organize things for companies and other tours in the winter. And in the future I would like to be a wedding venue too.”

2024-05-03 09:04:43
#Zand #Erover #beach #club #unofficially #open #immediately #faces #major #challenge

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