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New bans are being prepared: some smokers may soon disappear

It will be discussed in the Health Committee in the near future

As M. Majauskas said in the show, tobacco companies are advertising more and more aggressively Electronic cigarettes and allows you to choose from a wide variety of cigarette liquid flavors, such as chocolate, cookies, berries, and the like.

These cigarettes, according to the parliamentarian, are advertised as less harmful, but at the same time the tobacco industry is trying to grow a new generation of nicotine addicts. Flavors with flavors, according to the interlocutor, are intended to accustom children.

“For this reason, we no longer have traditional mint cigarettes in Europe, because it has been said that there are various studies that encourage people to smoke as young as possible. As a result, some European Union countries, such as Finland and Estonia, have decided to abandon various e-mails. the taste of cigarettes, as well as the taste of tobacco, ”said M. Majauskas.

Such a proposal was also registered in Lithuania, but, according to a member of the Seimas, some took various measures to postpone the decision.

“The government’s conclusion was delayed, and an expert opinion was requested, and the European Commission was approached. But, apparently, after all the trials, this issue returns to the agenda of the Seimas and may be adopted in the near future, “said the interlocutor.

Mykolas Majauskas

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

This proposal should be included in the meeting of the Health Affairs Committee in the near future and later travel to the Seimas for reception.

“The question is whether we will catch up during the autumn session, but it should be adopted in the near future. If someone is missing arguments as to why it should be adopted, I would suggest looking at supermarkets to see what kind of people are standing and buying. You will make sure that it is young people and minors. I understand that adults may experience inconvenience to those who like different tastes, but this variety of tastes is suitable for teenagers to start smoking, ”added M. Majauskas.

According to M. Majauskas, electronic cigarettes can contain large amounts of nicotine, salts and other harmful substances.

The Freedom Party sees more threats than benefits

Ms Danielle, a member of the Freedom Party, does not support this proposal. According to her, states choose different policies to regulate cigarette substitutes.

“Why could this be an opportunity or why do some countries think so? Due to the lower damage, lower risk to human health. Research is now moving in this direction, although there is no scientific consensus. Proper regulation when it comes to tobacco, alcohol, other substances is very important. We were very desperate in this area and these machines started to spread among teenagers, ”said Daniela.

Morgana Danielė

Morgana Danielė

© DELFI / Josvydas Elinskas

However, according to the interlocutor, more licenses have appeared since May 1 – not only tobacco products are regulated, but also everything related to it. Minors do not currently have the right to purchase email themselves. cigarette liquids, their apparatus or their components.

If liquids with flavors were banned, there would be more risks than benefits, according to Ms Daniela. In particular, the production of homemade liquids with flavors that are not intended for evaporation would be introduced. It can even cause death.

“We know of cases in the United States a few years ago where the evaporation of unapplied liquids caused the irrigation of THC to cause irreversible changes. And, of course, if people bought goods on the illegal market, they were unlicensed, then the risk increases, ”said M. Danielė.

Also, according to the member of the Seimas, electronic cigarettes are useful for those who quit smoking or who are looking for safer alternatives.

“Tastes are one of the main motivators for adults or young people to choose steaming rather than regular tobacco. The taste barrier would be an incentive for smokers to switch to new technologies and possibly help to solve the problem of smoking in the future, ”said the interlocutor.

The cardiologist warns that the actual damage is not yet known

According to Professor R. Kubilius, the body does not have an organ system that is not affected by smoking – this bad habit harms the whole body.

“A few years ago, major tobacco manufacturers wrote about how the public is switching from traditional cigarettes to other forms of smoking, allegedly because these alternatives are less harmful. It must be acknowledged that today the tobacco industry and society are consuming more e-mail. cigarettes than traditional ones, ”said prof. R. Kubilius.

Raimondas Kubilius

Raimondas Kubilius

© DELFI / Andrius Ufartas

However, at present, the World Health Organization and the European Society of Cardiology require patients to quit smoking of any kind, as this is harmful to the body. For the past 10 years, according to the doctor, e-cigarettes have been in a gray area, lacking evidence of how they affect the body.

“There is now a general consensus that cigarettes of all kinds, whether conventional, electronic or smart, are dangerous to the body. I agree with M. Majauskas. “Electronic cigarettes as a tool for socialization are very attractive for young people,” said the professor.

It is estimated that almost one in four or even one in three young people over the age of 20 has tried e-mail. cigarettes.

The professor pointed out that the true harm of liquids with flavors is not yet known.

“The tobacco industry has taken them out of the confectionery. If we knew in the confectionery that the aromatic substance enters the gastrointestinal tract, is properly metabolized and eliminated there, we do not know what happens when it is inhaled into the lungs, what the short-term and long-term effects will be, ”said the interlocutor. cigarettes do contain nicotine, it releases toxic substances and can cause severe damage in the long run.

Electronic cigarette

Electronic cigarette

According to the doctor, e. the sale of cigarettes should be more tightly regulated, so if a decision were made to ban the flavored liquids of these cigarettes, most doctors would agree.

“It is not just the cardiovascular system that is causing the damage. It is also present in all tissues that develop during adolescence, especially in the brain, nervous system, bone, lung, and heart tissues. This is a toxic effect. The young person’s attention and memory deteriorate. If a person has been using an electronic cigarette for some time, we can directly trace its negative effects, ”Prof. R. Kubilius.

Ms. Danielė emphasizes that it is especially important to educate teenagers on this topic – intimidation will not solve the problem.

Electronic cigarette

Electronic cigarette

“If we notice, among other age groups of smokers e. cigarettes as a means of harm reduction are not common because these devices have been heavily demonized. Adults choose hot tobacco, Lithuania is one of the first in the world to choose it, together with Japan, ”said M. Danielė.

However, according to M. Majauskas, children’s health should be the highest priority.

“I understand that I may be unpopular with this insurance, but I see no other way out. I have 4 children, I communicate a lot and I see what situations are in schools, what dangers are caused by e-mail. cigarette machines. Neither parents nor children know what they smoke. In addition, it is very difficult to catch a minor who uses this product, because there is no smell left, ”M. Majauskas named the problems.

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