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New assumptions about the death of Princess Diana. British tabloid talks about exhumation

Although since death Princess Diana Almost 25 years have passed, and the circumstances of her departure are still not fully understood for many. The “Queen of Human Hearts” died in a car accident in Paris on August 31, 1997. Together with Dodi Al-Fayed, she ran away from the photographers chasing them. The driver lost control of the vehicle and hit a wall in one of the Paris tunnels. Dodi Al Fayed died on the spot, Princess Diana left on the operating table.

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New assumptions about the death of Princess Diana. British tabloid talks about exhumation

Princess Diana did not have seat belts fastened, and the driver was under the influence of alcohol while driving, and it was he who was blamed for the tragedy. However, not everyone believed in this version of events. Many conspiracy theories have arisen. One was about death Diana was commissioned by the royal family to get rid of the inconvenient and controversial duchess once and for all. Another focused on the enemies of Dodi Al-Fayed and his father, who ordered the killing to get even. According to the latter theory, the duchess was an accidental victim.

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The British “The Globe” focused on the unexplained circumstances of Princess Diana’s death. The tabloid, citing anonymous informants, said that Prince William i Prince Harry they also suspect that their mother was murdered. Apparently, they secretly ordered the exhumation of her body. How much truth is there in that? We fear that not much, however. Moreover, the prince William and prince Harry they practically have no contact, so it would be difficult for them to jointly exhumate them, especially since in such a case they would need the approval of the Palace, which is practically impossible.

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