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Never take these two medicines together: very serious health risks

Taking multiple medicines together is known to be harmful, especially if interactions and compatibilities are not well understood. However, the EMA has warned everyone about the combined use of these two medicines which can even lead to death.

The EMA reports concern two types of medicines that are easily available even without a prescription and could lead to kidney malfunction, gastrointestinal and metabolic toxicity, in the case of prolonged use.

ibuprofen and codeine perisolose if overdosed – solofinanza.it

What are the medicines not to be taken together

The reports came from various countries and led the Prac, the committee responsible for evaluating all aspects concerning the risk management of drugs for human use, to issue an emergency communication to all populations.

The EMA, the European Medicines Agency, has also warned that the use of codeine and ibuprofen, in quantities higher than those recommended and for long periods, can lead to addiction, renal, gastrointestinal and metabolic toxicity.

The interaction between the opioid and the anti-inflammatory, often used to treat pain, are likely to be toxic to the body, as it does not allow the complete removal of acids from the blood in the urine, lowering the levels of potassium in the blood and causing symptoms such as muscle weakness and lightheadedness.

Codeine can be found in medicines such as Codamol, Lonarid and Tachidol and is used to quickly treat acute pain that does not respond to treatment with other non-opioid pain relievers and is also used in the treatment of dry cough.

Ibuprofen is present in medicines such as Brufen, Moment, Nurofen and Tachyphene and is indicated to treat mild or moderate pain, fever, inflammation and bruises, sprains and muscle aches.

dangerous ibuprofen and codeine
ibrupofen and codeine dangerous for health – solofinanza.it

The emergency communiqué

In the press release of the Prac you can read: “If taken at doses higher than those recommended and for a prolonged period of time, codeine with ibuprofen can cause kidney damage, preventing the correct removal of acids in the blood from the urine (renal tubular acidosis) “And subsequently:” it can also cause very low levels of potassium in the blood (hypokalaemia), which in turn can cause symptoms such as muscle weakness and lightheadedness “

The EMA, however, warns everyone urgently also because many over-the-counter medicines may contain codeine and ibuprofen, which can be purchased by everyone without a medical prescription. The risk of addiction is therefore high and the risks far outweigh the long-term benefits. An obligation to prescribe these medications could lead to a reduction in the risks associated with the abuse and dependence of the two products.

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