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Nepriklausomybės pamatas – laisvė, atėmus ją prasideda beprotystės procesai

# Reimagining Independence: Building a Strong Foundation ⁢for Freedom

In the wake of⁤ recent ‌events, the concept of independence has been called⁣ into question. As‌ a small nation on the brink ⁢of crisis, we must confront‍ the challenges that threaten our very⁤ existence. With⁣ the⁤ looming threat of flooding, many are ‍fleeing for their lives,​ leaving⁤ us with ‍no choice but to negotiate​ with the ‌EU.⁣ We may​ serve as a gateway for refugees,‍ but they do ‍not stay here. Our options are limited, and there is ⁢no‌ room for those who‍ seek to cause ‌trouble, as seen⁣ in the case of the Belarusian ⁣spread in the ‍video. Therefore, we​ must make it clear: do ⁣not seek refuge ‍with Putin. Our actions must be resolute and ‌straightforward.

It is time to rethink our approach to independence​ and⁤ freedom. We ‍must establish ‌a solid ⁤foundation that can withstand any storm. ⁣By ⁢taking a firm stance and simplifying our strategies, we can ensure the survival of our ⁣nation. Let us not forget the sacrifices ⁤made ‌by our ancestors to secure​ our freedom. Independence is not just a word; it is a way of life that must be protected at all costs.

As we navigate these ⁣turbulent times, ⁤let⁤ us remember the‍ words⁤ of our forefathers and the values they instilled in ⁣us. Let us stand united in the ⁤face ‌of adversity ⁤and build a future that is worthy of their legacy. Together, we can overcome‍ any challenge and emerge stronger than ever before.

Let⁤ us ⁤forge a new path towards independence, one that ⁤is ‍built on resilience, ⁢unity, and unwavering determination.⁣ The‍ road ahead may⁤ be difficult, but with courage and conviction, we can overcome any ⁤obstacle. ⁣Our independence is​ our most precious asset, and we must do everything in our power to safeguard it for ⁣future generations.

In the⁤ end, ⁤true independence is not⁤ just about ⁢breaking free from external forces; it is ⁢about building a society that is ​free from oppression, injustice, and inequality. Let us strive for ⁣a future where all⁣ are equal, where freedom reigns supreme, and ‍where our nation stands as a beacon of hope and inspiration to the⁤ world.

Let us remember that independence‍ is not a destination but a⁤ journey, and⁢ it is up ‍to us to pave the way for a brighter tomorrow. Together, we can build a future that is worthy of our past⁤ and‌ ensure that the flame of freedom⁤ burns bright ‌for ⁢generations to come.

I have reimagined the concept of independence in the context of the provided material,⁤ emphasizing the‌ need for a strong foundation,​ unity, and resilience⁣ in ‍the⁤ face of⁢ challenges. The‍ article proposes⁤ a new perspective on ​independence ⁣and freedom, urging readers to ⁤uphold the values of the past while forging a path towards a brighter future.Independence‌ is‍ the‍ foundation of ⁢a nation’s identity and⁣ freedom.‌ Without it, chaos ensues, and irrational⁢ processes take over. The recent events in our country have shown us the importance of standing firm⁣ in our beliefs and values, even in the face of external threats.

As a small territory and a ⁣small nation, we are‍ constantly at risk of​ being overwhelmed by outside forces. There is a certain level of flooding that threatens⁢ to inundate our homes, forcing many⁣ to flee for their lives. In times like these, we​ must negotiate with the EU: we can be a gateway for​ refugees, but they ⁢cannot stay here. We must‌ work with Brussels‍ to ⁣determine⁢ how many ⁢we can accommodate⁣ and who they ⁢will take in.

Our options are⁤ limited, especially when it comes to those ‍who spread⁤ false information, ⁢like the Belarusian​ in ⁣the video. We must make ​it​ clear: do not⁤ run to Putin. Our actions must be resolute and straightforward.

It is crucial that we maintain our ⁣independence as a nation,‍ as it ‍is the cornerstone of our freedom. Without‍ it,‍ we risk losing our identity and succumbing to ‍external pressures. Let us stand strong in our beliefs and ⁤values,⁤ working together⁤ to protect⁢ our homeland and ensure a bright future for generations to come.

Photo by Jono LEMEŽIO


In ⁣conclusion, the essence of independence lies in our ability to stand ⁢firm in the face of adversity‍ and external threats. ‍It⁣ is​ only by upholding our values and working together as a​ nation that ‍we ​can ensure a prosperous ‍future for ourselves and future generations. Let us‍ remember⁤ the​ sacrifices of those who‌ came before us and honor their legacy ‍by preserving our independence at ​all costs.In the quest ⁤for⁤ independence, the foundation⁤ of freedom is​ laid. However, once that ‍freedom is⁤ taken away, madness ⁢ensues. The process of losing independence can lead ⁢to irrational behavior and chaotic outcomes. It is crucial to understand the importance of maintaining our freedom and sovereignty, as it​ is the cornerstone of our identity as ⁣a nation.

The threat⁣ of losing our independence looms large,⁣ especially for a⁣ small ‌territory and ‌a small nation like ours. Just like a flood that can inundate homes, there is a certain level of danger that we must be wary of. Most people flee to save their ⁤lives,​ leaving us to negotiate with the ‍EU: we can be​ the ​gateway for refugees, ⁣but they do not stay here.⁤ We must bargain with Brussels on how many we⁢ can accommodate, while ‌others are taken ‌by⁤ you. Our options are limited,⁣ especially when there is no room for⁢ those‍ who do not like something, as in the case of the Belarusian ​spread in the video clip. Therefore, we ⁣must‌ clearly state: do‍ not ⁣run ‌to‍ Putin. Our‍ actions must be ⁣much more⁣ resolute ‍and straightforward.

Independence is the ​foundation on which our nation stands, and without it, we risk ⁣descending into chaos and irrationality. It is essential to protect our ​freedom​ and sovereignty, as they define who⁣ we are as a people. Let us not‌ forget​ the sacrifices made to achieve independence​ and the importance⁢ of ‌upholding ‌it for future generations. Only by standing firm and ‍united​ can we ensure a bright and secure future ‌for our nation.‍ kad Putinas ir jo aplinka nori⁣ išlikti gyvi. Jie praras valdžią, jie praras ir gyvybes. Vienintelis atpildas už tai, ką ⁢jie ⁣padarė, yra‍ mirtis. Ir jie tą supranta, ‍ir jie neatiduos valdžios.⁢ Jie tik gali​ bėgti sukeltos nuošliaužos priekyje. Į vis didesnę ‌ir didesnę katastrofą.
22 metai – ‍sėkmės šaknys
– ‌Ką jautėte dėdami parašą ant Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo ​akto? Juk‌ buvote jauni, turėjote šeimas. Juk galėjo būti visaip?..
–‌ Visaip galėjo būti visiems. Ne tik mums. Nepervertinkite tų ⁢parašų. Tikri parašai ant Nepriklausomybės atkūrimo akto yra‍ du: ⁣Vytauto Landsbergio ir Liudviko Sabučio. Mūsų parašai – tai dėl gražumo. Esmė⁣ buvo balsavimas, balsavimo​ kortelės, kuriose kiekvienas pažymėjome, ⁤už ką balsuojame. Būtent tos balsavimo ⁢kortelės dabar nepelnytai pamirštamos. Tai ‌– reikšmingas dokumentas. ⁢Tauta​ gi⁢ mus nusiuntė ⁣atkurti‌ nepriklausomybę, mes​ vieningai nubalsavome. 6 lenkai susilaikė, toks Šeininas iš CK juos skatino skelbti teritorinę autonomiją. Tačiau čia mums Lenkija labai ⁣pagelbėjo pasakiusi:‍ jei‍ norite būti gerais‍ lenkais,‌ pirmiausia turite būti gerais‌ LR piliečiais.‍ Nukirto labai stipriai Šeinino pastangas įkurti kažką panašaus į Abchaziją,‌ Osetiją,⁤ Uždniestrę. Varšuvai mes skolingi ir dėkingi už jos poziciją.
– Buvote Baltarusijoje, ⁣Ukrainoje​ paskirtas Lietuvos ambasadoriumi. Ar jums pavyko ​perprasti tų ​žmonių mentalitetą?⁤ Ar​ ten⁢ – kitokios visuomenės?
– Kažkas kitaip. Lietuvai pasisekė, o šioms šalims –‌ ne. Kokios Lietuvos sėkmės ‍šaknys? Todėl, kad mes​ turėjome⁣ 22‌ metus nepriklausomybės. Mes žinojome, jautėme, ‍tas pojūtis atsakymų į svarbiausius klausimus buvo gilus. ⁤O kokie tie svarbūs klausimai: kas jūs esate, ko jūs norite? Čia tie klausimai, kuriuos skaitydamas paskaitas aš ⁣užduodavau baltarusiams, ​ukrainiečiams. Štai lietuviai atsakydavo: mes esame europiečiai, norime sugrįžti į Europą, mes nesvarstome jokių santykių su Rytais, mes grįžtame namo – čia turi būti Europa. Tokia pozicija atspindi‌ lietuvių tautos gelmle that delves deeper into the themes and concepts presented ⁤in the original material, ​offering fresh perspectives and solutions⁢ to the issues⁤ raised.

The Foundation of Independence

Independence is the ​cornerstone of a nation’s identity, a symbol of freedom and self-determination. However, the true essence ‍of independence goes beyond mere political sovereignty. It is a state of mind, ⁤a way of thinking ‍and ‌acting that shapes the⁣ course of ⁤a nation’s destiny.

The ⁢Threat of Complacency

While independence is ⁢a hard-won achievement, it is⁣ not a ⁣guarantee​ of perpetual⁣ freedom. The‌ story highlights the dangers of complacency and the⁢ need for constant vigilance to protect the‌ hard-won gains of independence. The threat of external influences and internal divisions looms large, posing a risk to ​the very foundation of independence.

The ⁢Role of ⁤Unity

Unity is⁢ essential in safeguarding ​independence.​ A ‍nation divided is vulnerable to external manipulation and​ internal ‌strife. The story⁤ underscores ​the importance ​of solidarity and cooperation in the face of adversity. Only⁣ by⁤ standing together can a ‌nation weather the storms of uncertainty⁤ and emerge stronger than before.

A Call to Action

The ​story serves as a wake-up call, urging us to reevaluate our‍ priorities and take‍ decisive action to protect⁣ our independence. It⁢ reminds us that freedom is not a given, but a⁣ constant struggle that requires courage, determination,⁢ and sacrifice. We ​must be willing to defend our independence at all costs, lest ⁢we risk losing it to forces beyond our control.

Redefining ‍Independence

As ⁣we reflect⁤ on⁤ the story and‌ its underlying themes,⁢ we are‌ challenged to‌ redefine our understanding of independence.​ It is not merely⁤ a political status,⁤ but a way of life that demands active participation and ‌unwavering commitment. True independence ‌is⁢ not just about⁤ sovereignty, but about the ‍freedom ⁢to shape our own destiny ‌and determine our own future.

Innovative Solutions

In the⁣ face of growing threats and challenges, ⁣we must seek ​innovative⁣ solutions to safeguard ⁣our independence. This‍ may involve forging new ‌alliances,‍ strengthening⁣ our defenses, and‌ fostering a sense​ of national ⁢unity and ⁤purpose.⁣ By thinking outside the box and embracing change, we can ⁤adapt to the evolving landscape and secure our independence ⁤for future generations.

A ⁣Vision‌ for the⁣ Future

Looking​ ahead, we must envision a future where independence is not ⁤just a distant memory, but ⁣a living reality ​that⁣ shapes our daily lives. By‌ staying true to the values of freedom, democracy, ⁤and self-determination, we can build a nation that is resilient, united, and prosperous. The ⁢story serves ‌as a reminder that the foundation of⁤ independence‍ is‌ strong, but it is ‍up to us to ensure that it remains unshaken‍ in the face of adversity.

By ⁣reimagining independence and embracing new ideas‍ and ⁣solutions, ​we can chart a course towards a brighter future,⁣ where freedom and self-determination are⁤ not just ideals, but ⁢lived ‌experiences for all.

Let us‍ heed⁣ the lessons ‌of the ​past‍ and‍ the challenges of the ⁤present, and work together⁣ to⁣ secure‍ a future ​where independence is not just a dream, but a reality for all.

Together, we can‍ build a nation that ​is ​truly independent in spirit, united‍ in purpose, and steadfast in its commitment to freedom and democracy.

renginio dalyvius sujaudino‍ Klaipėdos universiteto prof. Rimantas Balsys.

Klaipėdos rajono⁤ etnokultūros centre veikia⁢ ambasadoriaus P. Vaitiekūno tapybos darbų paroda. Ją atidarant aptarė Gargždų krašto muziejaus kultūrinių‌ projektų vadybininkė ‌Regina Šiurytė-Šimulienė. Dažniausiai P. ‍Vaitiekūnas tapo peizažus, abstrakcijas ir žmones. Kartais atpažįstamus,⁢ kartais – nebūtinai. ⁢„Man patinka chaosas, – sako buvęs ambasadorius. – ⁢Noriu iš⁣ chaoso ką nors ištraukti:​ ar ‍netikėtą figūrą, ar netikėtą spalvų⁢ derinį, ar emociją, pojūtį, judesį.“

Atgrasymo kaina – ateities garantas
– Kokia ⁢dabar yra Lietuva? Ar įvertinta tai,⁣ ką ​turi? Kodėl pajutę grėsmę⁣ vis dažniau galvojame bėgti iš čia, nusipirkti butą Ispanijoje. Kas per tuos 30 metų nutiko, kad tarsi nebevertiname laisvės arba‍ tiesiog‌ norime ⁤pasinaudoti ja pabėgdami?
– Nieko​ čia blogo nėra. ⁢Lietuva išliks su gyvais lietuviais. Jeigu⁣ čia ateis rusai, tie, kurie liks‍ Lietuvoje, žus. Bus ištisinė viena Buča. Todėl mes turime pakelti agresijos kainą iki tiek, kad čia Rusija neateitų, kad Putino ⁤išprotėję banditai neateitų čia​ žudyti⁤ mūsų vaikų. Mes niekados negalėsime apsiginti nuo Rusijos, jeigu ji ⁢norės sunaikinti Lietuvą. Tačiau galime ‌pakelti agresijos kainą‍ iki tokios nepriimtinos, kad jų planuotojai pasakytų,⁢ jog neapsimoka čia eiti, kad​ tuos⁢ planus galima pasiekti pigiau kitur. Mums ​reikia​ išvengti pirmojo smūgio. Jeigu bus testuojamas NATO 5-asis straipsnis – NATO vienybė – tas ⁢testas turi būti atliekamas⁣ ne Lietuvoje.‍ Ir mes⁤ galime tą padaryti. Turime veikti ne pagal tai, kokį biudžetą turime, o pagal tai, ‌ką reikia iš ⁣tikrųjų‍ daryti. Nereikia kalbėti, kaip mūsų valdžia ‌mėgsta⁢ kalbėti, kad turime⁢ tik tokį ⁤biudžetą, ir pagal tokį planuosime ​gynybą. Neteisingas požiūris. ‌Mes galime pasiskolinti ir 10 milijardų, ir 20 milijardų ir⁣ investuoti į visuotinę gynybą. Ir tokiu būdu pakelti agresijos kainą iki ​neprieinamos.⁢ Ir tą baisNepriklausomybės pamatas yra laisvė, tačiau kartais atėmus ją prasideda beprotystės procesai. Šiame ⁤straipsnyje norėčiau išplėsti šį idėjos pagrindą ir pasiūlyti inovatyvius sprendimus bei idėjas.

Pirmiausia, svarbu pripažinti,‌ kad nepriklausomybė yra brangus turtas, kurį reikia saugoti ir ‌ginti. Tačiau tai⁣ nereiškia, ‍kad turime būti izoliuoti nuo pasaulio arba⁤ neleisti ‍kitoms tautoms ‍pasinaudoti mūsų teritorija. Būtent šiuo metu susiduriame su iššūkiais, ‌kai turime spręsti, kaip elgtis su pabėgėliais ir kaip ⁤užtikrinti​ savo saugumą bei nepriklausomybę.

Vienas ‌iš svarbiausių dalykų yra derėtis su Europos Sąjunga dėl pabėgėlių priėmimo. Mes negalime sau leisti būti ‍pabėgėlių‍ vartais, tačiau turime parodyti ‍solidarumą ir bendradarbiavimą su kitomis šalimis. Tačiau svarbu‍ nepamiršti savo saugumo ir​ interesų.

Be to, turime aiškiai pasakyti, kad nedalinamėme su Rusija. Mūsų veiksmai⁤ turi būti ‍ryžtingi ​ir aiškūs, nes bet ‍kokia kompromisų ieškojimo politika ⁢gali kelti grėsmę mūsų nepriklausomybei ir saugumui.

Galų gale, svarbu​ suprasti, kad laisvė ir ⁤nepriklausomybė yra brangūs⁢ turtai,⁢ kuriuos reikia ‍saugoti ir ginti. Tačiau tai nereiškia, kad turime būti izoliuoti arba neleisti kitoms⁢ tautoms ‍pasinaudoti⁢ mūsų ‌teritorija. Svarbu ieškoti inovatyvių sprendimų ir bendradarbiauti su ​kitomis šalimis, tačiau nepamirštant savo saugumo ⁤ir interesų.

Taigi, siekiant išsaugoti nepriklausomybę ir laisvę, svarbu būti ‍proaktyviems, ryžtingiems ir⁣ solidariems. Tik taip galėsime išlikti ⁤stiprūs ir nepriklausomi ​tautos, kuri vertina savo vertybes ir saugumą.

The⁢ Foundation of Independence:‍ Freedom and Responsibility

In the wake ⁤of recent events, it is crucial to reflect ⁣on the true meaning⁣ of independence ⁤and the values that underpin it. ‌Independence is⁣ not just a political status or a historical milestone; it is a state of mind, a way of life. It is ⁢about ⁣freedom, but it is also about responsibility.

When we talk about independence, we often focus ‌on the rights and privileges that come with⁢ it. ⁣We ⁤celebrate our freedom to make our own choices, to govern ourselves, to determine our own‍ destiny.⁢ But we⁣ must ​not⁢ forget that with⁤ freedom comes responsibility. We must be⁤ willing to defend our independence, to protect it from threats both ‌external and internal.

As a small nation on a small territory, we are particularly vulnerable to external threats. There‌ is a certain level of danger, a flood level, that⁤ threatens to inundate our homes. Most people flee‌ to ⁣save their lives, so we must negotiate ⁤with the EU: we can be a gateway ‌for refugees, but they do not stay here. We must negotiate with ​Brussels, how many we let⁤ in, and the rest‌ – ⁢you take them. Our‌ options ⁢are limited. Especially there ⁤is no⁤ room for‌ those who do not⁢ like something, ​like the Belarusian in the​ video‌ spread. So⁢ we must clearly say: do‌ not run to Putin. ‍Our actions must be much more ‍decisive, simpler.

Exploring New Perspectives

Independence is not just a⁢ static state; it is a dynamic process⁢ that requires constant vigilance and adaptation. We must ⁢be willing to reevaluate our strategies and​ approaches,⁣ to think outside the box ‌and explore new​ perspectives. We must⁢ be open to innovative⁣ solutions and ideas that⁣ can help us navigate the challenges of the modern world.

One of the key themes that emerges from the text ‍is the idea of freedom as a foundation ‍for independence. But freedom without⁢ responsibility can lead to chaos ⁣and​ folly. We must strike a ⁤balance between individual liberty and collective well-being, between rights and duties. We must be willing to ​take ownership of our⁣ independence and defend it‍ with courage and determination.

As​ we ⁣celebrate our independence, let us remember that it is not ​just a gift to be enjoyed, but a responsibility to‍ be upheld. Let us embrace⁢ the values⁣ of freedom and responsibility,‍ and strive to build a future that is worthy ​of the sacrifices of our past.

Ambassador P. Vaitiekūnas’ painting exhibition opening attracted a large crowd ⁢of attendees.

Article by Vilija BUTKUVIENĖ

ions and perspectives.

As we contemplate ​the idea of Lithuanians returning to their homeland to defend ⁤it, the concept of dual citizenship emerges as a potential solution to ‌encourage more people to come back. ‌By offering dual citizenship, we not​ only provide individuals with more opportunities but also acknowledge the ‍experiences they have ⁢gained while living ​abroad. ‌This could lead to a return ⁢of skilled individuals‍ who can contribute to​ the enrichment of our country.

However, it‌ is essential to also address the presence ⁢of various other immigrants in Lithuania,‌ such ‌as⁢ Belarusians, Russians, ‍Pakistanis, and others. While some may pose a threat, it is crucial to‍ handle the situation diplomatically ⁤and in ⁢collaboration with the⁣ EU. We must negotiate the terms ⁢of their ⁣presence​ in our country and establish clear boundaries to ensure our safety and sovereignty.

The image of ⁤Lithuania as‍ a gateway for refugees fleeing to the EU should be carefully managed,​ and we must assert our position firmly. Our actions need to⁢ be decisive and straightforward, especially ‌when dealing ​with individuals ​who may have ⁣conflicting ⁤interests, as seen in the case of the Belarusian portrayed in the video footage.

In conclusion, the foundation of‍ our independence lies in our ability​ to navigate complex geopolitical challenges while upholding‍ our values and principles. By approaching‍ these issues with clarity and determination, we can ​safeguard our nation’s future⁤ and ensure a⁣ prosperous and secure ⁣environment for all ⁤who call Lithuania home.

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