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NBA: Kevin Durant’s problem with marijuana? “He smokes a lot more than people think”

Kevin Durant is one of the public figures who has raised his voice the most for ask for the legalization of marijuana. The forward for the Nets and the United States team has asked the NBA to enable its use for therapeutic purposes on more than one occasion, becoming the spokesperson for this movement.

“If you love her, you love her. If you don’t, you won’t even try it. Marijuana is just marijuana, it is not harmful to anyone. It just helps and improves things. I think it shouldn’t even be a debate, “declared ‘Durantula’ in All The Smoke, the podcast of two former NBA players like Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson, who precisely admitted having used marijuana during their respective careers in the North American league.

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The day Kevin Durant dropped his marijuana

However, it seems that Durant’s fondness for this substance is greater than everyone thinks. This is how he has revealed it el actor Matt Sullivan which has ensured that Durant “smokes a lot more than people think. I have been at his house at one in the morning. His whole house sucks. He does not have girlfriend. He doesn’t go on a crazy vacation like other players. He doesn’t do anything other than play basketball. Does nothing. It is very boring”.

It is not the first time that the forward has been linked to marijuana. In 2014 a photo of the forward smoking a water pipe it ran like wildfire on the internet, although he justified himself by assuring that his phone had been ‘hacked’. And three years later, in 2017, the networks recovered a video that shows how Kevin Durant drops a bottle of this drug in the middle of the street.

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