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“National plan for resumption of activities on May 4th”




Count: National plan for resumption of activities on 4 May

“The positive effects of virus containment and contagion mitigation are starting to be measured, but they are not yet such as to allow the current obligations to be abated and the warning threshold to be lowered”. The premier Giuseppe Conte writes in a post on facebook at the end of the meeting of the control room between government, regions and local authorities on the “work schedule for the ‘phase two’ that the Executive is carrying out, assisted by the task force of experts and by the technical-scientific committee “.

“In the meantime, the Government’s work continues unceasingly on a national program that can allow a recovery of a large part of production activities in conditions of maximum safety, which always keeps under control the epidemiological curve and the reaction capacity of our hospitals”, he explains Conte, stressing that “also the representatives of the local governments have expressed adhesion to the Executive’s plan to adopt a national plan containing homogeneous guidelines for all the Regions, so as to proceed, reasonably on May 4th, to a resumption of productive activities currently suspended, according to a well-structured program, which reconciles the protection of health and the needs of production “.

“Such a structured plan should guarantee maximum safety conditions in the workplace and on the means of transport – highlights the Prime Minister -. We will have to continue the discussion with all the social partners and trade associations to reiterate the common desire to strengthen the workplace safety protocol, already approved last March, and to continue on the path of enhancing smart working “.

“As regards health protection measures -concludes-, the Government continues to work to implement Covid hospitals, territorial assistance and make the best use of technological applications and tests in order to make the prevention and prevention strategy more efficient contagion control “.

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