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National Government Announces Measures to Reactivate Housing Sector through FNA and Findeter

After a year of constant falls in housing indicators, the National Government announced a package of measures to reactivate the sector through the National Savings Fund (FNA) and Findeter.

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In an interview with Portafolio, Juan Carlos Muñiz Pacheco, president of Findeter, spoke about what the program will be like in second-tier banking, how to apply for it and the requirements.

(Plan to reactivate housing, after almost a year of contraction).

He pointed out that the delivery will be made as the resources are requested until the $1 billion pesos assigned to this line of credit are reached.

The reliefs are aimed at buyers, home improvers and builders.

The resources will be delivered through credit entities such as banks and cooperatives with preferential rates, as it is aimed at vulnerable people, local entities and construction companies that make Social Interest Housing (VIS) and Priority Interest Housing (VIP).

What is your role in the sales reactivation plan?

For a few months now we have been working on creating a discount line of credit with a compensated rate for one billion pesos to finance the acquisition of VIS and VIP homes, home improvement and for working capital for builders.

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At this moment, the decree is in process for the allocation of resources for the line that will benefit natural persons so that through financial intermediaries, such as cooperatives, they can access credit for the purchase of their social interest housing or improve conditions. of the credits they already have.

Who will benefit the most?

To Community Action Boards to carry out housing improvements from the Cambia Mi Casa program, and to housing builders from VIS and VIP projects.

The line will give low-income individuals and families the opportunity to access financing to acquire VIS and VIP at very low interest rates.

Encourages the construction and development of real estate projects aimed at the most vulnerable population. This line will directly boost economic activity in the construction sector and generate employment opportunities in the different stages of the process.

In particular, small and medium-sized structures will benefit, as they will be able to access resources at competitive rates to resume and strengthen their economic activities.

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How can they access credit?

We are going to do it with savings and credit cooperatives, which are more flexible than commercial banks.

People will be able to go to the cooperatives that are monitored by the Financial Superintendence and also by the Solidarity Superintendence, and request credit. We give them the money and they give it to the people, until the amount is paid.

What will your rates be like?

We basically have three features of the line. One is for acquisition and construction, this has a term of 20 years, there is no grace period. The beneficiaries are natural persons interested in acquiring or building homes and the rate is a fixed rate of approximately 6.3% EA

For working capital and home improvement, this line is up to six months, as is short-term working capital, it has no grace period, it is also an approximately equal rate of 6.3% EA And we also have a line of working capital and replacement of debts to construction companies for up to five years, with one year of capital grace, this is variable, this is aimed at construction companies that develop VIS and VIP projects.

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How will resources be distributed?

It is by request, there is no specific instruction.

What cooperatives are you going to work with?

With all the cooperatives that are enabled and monitored by the Financial and Supersolidarity Superintendency, there are 134 and there were 101 that met requirements and already have maximum exposure values ​​assigned.

Are the procedures only with the intermediary?

All banks are authorized to provide this line of credit.

If the demand is very high, should they prioritize?

Yes. It should work like this, we must wait for the demand we have and whoever arrives will be assigned. The important thing is that money is quickly placed in the sector to improve all indices.

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When should the loan lines be ready?

We hope that disbursements will begin to be made in 20 days, after October 15.

It no longer depends on us, it depends on the Ministry of Finance and then the Ministry of Housing.

Portfolio Journalist

2023-09-30 01:01:18
#days #open #key #housing #loans

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