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NASA says the stubborn rover extracted oxygen from Martian air: NPR

Technicians at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory lowered the MOXIE (Mars Oxygen Resources In Situ Experiment) instrument into the stubborn rover’s belly. NASA announced that the device will produce oxygen from the Martian atmosphere.

NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory – California Institute of Technology

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NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory – California Institute of Technology

Technicians at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory lowered the MOXIE (Mars Oxygen Resources In Situ Experiment) instrument into the stubborn rover’s belly. NASA announced that the device will produce oxygen from the Martian atmosphere.

NASA / Jet Propulsion Laboratory – California Institute of Technology

After the first powered flight to another world, NASA March 2020 The mission successfully created another switch that could pave the way for future astronauts by forcing breathable oxygen from the weak Martian air.

NASA announced that a tool on board the probe succeeded in extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere on Mars and then Electrochemical fission Oxygen atoms are carbon dioxide molecules.

The Martian atmosphere consists of about 95% carbon dioxide. The rest consists mainly of nitrogen and argon.

The feat announced on Wednesday is vital to people’s long-term stay on Mars, as it would likely be impractical to bring in a large amount of oxygen from Earth. It came before the second successful test after the NASA innovation helicopter test Historical first excursion On Monday.

And NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory wrote in a tweet that the second flight “has reached new stages from higher altitude, longer flight, and sideways flight”.

“MOXIE is not just the first tool for generating oxygen in another world,” said Trudy Curtis, director of technology demonstrations for NASA’s Space Technology Mission. Statement. It described it as the first technology of its kind to help future missions live “off earth” on another planet.

The Perseverance Warrior used an instrument called a MOXIE, or an experiment using Mars’ oxygen resources in situ, which heated carbon dioxide to chemically split it, resulting in about 5 grams of pure O2 – roughly enough to do an astronaut for 10 minutes could breathe to NASA.

“This is a critical first step in converting carbon dioxide to oxygen on Mars,” said Jim Reuter, deputy director of STMD.

Engineers Hope MOXIE is expanding To produce enough oxygen for future human journeys to Mars. Michael Hecht, the principal researcher at MOXIE from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said a group of four astronauts on the red planet would need an estimated ton of oxygen between them for a full year. NASA press release.

The oxygen produced on Mars can also be used along with rocket fuel to propel rockets back to Earth. NASA appreciates that 25 tons of oxygen It would take a rocket like this that would carry four astronauts. An industrial-sized MOXIE for use on Mars can weigh about a ton. Said Hecht last year.

On Monday, the Mars twin-rotor Ingenuity helicopter – part of the March 2020 mission that includes the rover and the MOXIE – was the first powered aircraft to fly on another planet.

The 4-pound creativity hovered 10 feet in the air, flew for a short time, and landed back on Mars without incident. The helicopter, which has a camera on board, is still being tested, but more ambitious flights are planned as the mission progresses.

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