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NASA Doctor “Holoported” on the International Space Station

NASA Aviation Surgeon Dr. Joseph Schmid gives his space greeting on October 8, 2021, as he is flown to the International Space Station.

European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Bisquet

I have a new name for your vocabulary: Holoportation.

It’s a mix of “hologram” and “teleportation,” and while it may sound like it, it’s not just a special science fiction term buried somewhere in Isaac Asimov’s novels and Star Trek episodes.

In October, NASA used this puzzling futuristic mechanism NASA Aviation Surgeon Dr. Joseph Schmid has been transported to the International Space Station while safely cultivating it on our planet. No need for missiles.

Joining Schmid on this trans-dimensional journey are Fernando de la Pena Laca, CEO of AEXA Aerospace, an organization that helps develop mass transportation equipment, and several other team members.

“This is an entirely new way of human exploration in which our humans can travel far from the planet,” Schmid said in a statement. “Our physical bodies are not there, but our humans are.”

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Members of the Holoportation team are seen approaching the International Space Station, October 8, 2021. From left Andrew Madrid, Dr. Fernando de la Pena Laca, Rehab Sadek, Dr. Joe Schmid, Kevin Bryant, Mackenzie Hoffman, and Wes Tarkington.

European Space Agency astronaut Thomas Bisquet

While almost unbelievable, Holoportation is not a new technology. Microsoft came up with this idea a few years ago, but the main goal is Revolutionizing sectors such as advertising, ground hospital care and education and since then This concept continues to evolve. But NASA’s latest effort has taken that achievement to the next level.

This is the first time such a virtual transfer has managed to bring people in beyond planet earth.

This is how it all happened.

Basically, a high-quality 3D Holoporter model was developed, digitally compressed, transmitted, and reconstructed in the space laboratory – all in real time.

Meanwhile, the mixed reality display on the International Space Station, Microsoft’s HoloLens, allows Holoportors and astronauts to see, hear, and interact with each other as if they were in the same physical space. Astronaut Thomas Bisquet, for example, had a two-way conversation with Schmid and de la Pena in the center of the International Space Station despite being miles from the holoporter.

Until the three of them shook hands.

“We will use this at our private medical conferences, private psychiatric conferences, special family conferences and to bring VIPs to the space station for their visits with the astronauts,” NASA said in a statement.

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HoloLens 2 from Microsoft from last year.

Scott Stein/CNET

Going forward, the agency intends to expand the reach of its system by adding an augmented reality function, which will give holoporters the option to actually move around the space station and observe objects as if they were physically there. You might say everything except physical touch.

It could help space telemedicine for astronauts, International Space Station construction projects, and even benefit greatly from future space exploration. The last bit is key, as standard wireless communications typically experience a delay of up to 20 minutes when talking to the system in some way (way) into the void. With Holoportation, Holoporter users can stay on board to communicate in real time.

“It doesn’t matter that the space station is moving at 17,500 miles per hour and continues to move in an orbit 250 miles above Earth,” said Schmid. “Astronauts can come back in three minutes or three weeks, and with the system running, we’ll be right there in that place, living on the space station.”

Additionally, NASA says this could have direct applications on Earth, such as researchers working in extreme environments or specialists in military operations.

“Imagine you being able to bring the best trainers or designers of very complex technology to your side wherever you are working,” says Schmid. “You can work on the device together, like two of the best surgeons working during a procedure. It will put everyone at ease knowing that the best teams are working together on the hardware that matters.”

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