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“Napoli Coach Luciano Spalletti Announces Departure After Victory Over Inter”


 Le parole del tecnico dopo la vittoria sull'Inter hanno chiarito che dopo il 4 giugno prenderà un'altra strada, la prima crepa un anno fa dopo il ko di Empoli

“If you are not convinced that you are giving the square everything it deserves, it is right to reason. It is not a rained-down speech, comes from afar, staying inside at work from morning to night”. The words of Luciano Spalletti after the victory over Inter they actually put a point on the extraordinary adventure a Napoli of the coach from Certaldo, who recolored the city blue 33 years after the last time. “The speech is now defined” reiterated the technician, the relationship with Aurelio De Laurentiis obviously he can’t go on, the coach and the president have been quite clear in the last few days.

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The first was AdL, who underlined that he “doesn’t want to clip anyone’s wings” giving a little anticipation of the separation, Spalletti replied that he ”
all you need is a pair of boots” as if to clarify that he is ready to return to his estate to be a farmer.

“I’m not waiting for anything, everything is clear and defined. There’s only one thing to say. And we agreed with De Laurentiis to wait to say it. There hasn’t been any negotiation”, said the coach again, anticipating that on 4 June, despite the Scudetto he and Napoli will say goodbye. There is no other team in his future, at least for now, after an exhilarating but exhausting season Spalletti will take a
gap year.

The pec sent by the president to trigger the option in the coach’s contract was the last straw that broke the camel of a now full report that began to fill up more than a year ago, precisely after the knockout on the field of the
Empoli who had put an end to last year’s tricolor hopes and also at risk of qualifying for the Champions League.

In those days De Laurentiis had contacted other technicians and was even thinking of a change in progress, but then the team won all the games, centered the qualification which then allowed the summer revolution and the differences, although profound, were put aside. Without ever a clarification, however, and in the following months the misunderstandings added up to make it impossible to continue together. Spalletti is ready to put on his boots, AdL, on the other hand, is already looking for a new coach.

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2023-05-22 07:54:06
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