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Nahdlotul Mubtadiin Al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School Santri Holds Al-Quran Camp

The students of the Nahdlotul Mubtadiin Al-Islamy Islamic Boarding School Indramayu. (Special)

INDRAMAYU – The atmosphere at the Nahdlotul Mubtadiin Al-Islamy (Namu) Islamic Boarding School in Pekandangan Jaya Village, Indramayu District/Regency, Tuesday (12/7/2022) morning, looked different from usual. Hundreds of students seemed to have packed up with their own belongings.

Instead of wanting to go home, the luggage became one of their readiness to take part in activities outside the pesantren. Enthusiasm was seen on the faces of the students to immediately follow the activities they had been waiting for.

The activity is ”Qur’an Camp”, which will be held for three days, at the Situ Bolang Campground (Buper), Indramayu Regency.

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The students lined up neatly and followed the release ceremony which was released directly by the Namu Pesantren Caretaker, KH Amani Luthfi.

In front of the students, the young kyai who is also the PCNU Indramayu Syuriyah Board revealed that Quranic values ​​must be instilled from an early age.

”My children, you should be proud to be santri, because in this pesantren we will study the Koran and various other religious sciences,” said Amani.

By studying the Koran and the values ​​it contains, the students will be able to apply it from an early age. Thus, in the future they will become the Quranic generation who are able to continue the relay of clerical leadership in order to maintain the integrity of religion, nation and state.

Amani said, the development of the times accompanied by advances in information technology and social media, on the one hand, had a positive impact on human life. But on the other hand, the negative impact is not small.

In fact, if it is not anticipated, it can lead to moral decadence in the community and is very dangerous for the growth and development of children.

”Facing a situation like this, then the Koran is the solution, studying the Koran is an obligation and pesantren is an answer to build a generation and civilization that is Quranic,” said the kiai who is known as a well-known lecturer in Indramayu.

Meanwhile, the person in charge of Al-Quran Camp activities, Ustadz Hasan Nugraha explained, the Qur’an Camp will be coupled with the Opening of the New Santri Ta’aruf Period (Matasba) which will be held from Tuesday-Thursday (12-14/07/2022) at the Campground (Buper). Situ Bolang and the Filled Paradise Three Stars Swimming Pool.

”The students will take part in activities in nature which are filled with various materials to equip them with Quranic values ​​as well as introduce new students to the teaching system at the pesantren, curriculum, activities and various other things related to life in the pesantren,” said Amani.

”This Qur’an camp is also to prepare the students’ mentality to take part in the education period in Islamic boarding schools and schools which will be carried out effectively starting next week,” said Amani.

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