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Mysterious Signals: Data From 45-Year-Old Probe Traveling Outside Solar System Intrigues NASA Scientists | Science

A probed Voyager 1, da Nasais intrigued by the scientists of the American space organization.

That’s because Voyager, which is the most distant object from Earth ever launched by manhas a problem with its spatial guidance system which, according to scientists, it’s not reflecting what’s really happening to her.

According to the Nasa, although the equipment is operating normallyreceiving and executing commands from the organization, data from its Attitude Control and Articulation System (AACS) are pointing at the agency’s computers information that appears to have been “randomly generated” or that do not reflect “any possible state that the AACS could be in”.

“At this stage of Voyager’s mission, it’s a mystery how in some ways it’s been part of its trajectory,” said Suzanne Dodd, project manager for Voyager 1 and 2 at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory at Nasain a statement.

It is precisely the precise functioning of the AACS that also guarantees the correct positioning of Voyager’s antenna, which is always pointed towards the Earth. Because Voyager 1’s signal did not weaken, Voyager 1’s engineers Nasa believe that the antenna remains in its normal orientation.

But the probe is outside the solar system, in so-called interstellar space (23.3 billion kilometers from us), and because of that, it takes scientists about two days to send a message to Voyager 1 and get a response from it. return.

For that reason, the Nasa said that in the coming days it will continue to monitor the probe’s signals to determine if the incorrect data is coming directly from the AACS or another communications system.

“The spacecraft is almost 45 years old, which is far beyond what the mission designers anticipated. We are also in interstellar space – a high-radiation environment that no probe has been before. So we have some big challenges for the engineering team. But I think if there’s a way to solve this AACS issue, our team will find out,” added Dodd.

The specialist also does not rule out that the Jet Propulsion Laboratory team may not find the cause of the anomaly, but guarantees that, if that happens, adaptations can be made.

Now, if the origin of the mystery is discovered, the Nasa ensures that the problem can be corrected through changes to the equipment’s software or through the use of its redundant systems.

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2 of 2 John Casani, project manager for Voyager, holds a US flag that was attached to Voyager 2. The two probes also carry phonograph discs with images depicting life on Earth. — Photo: NASA

John Casani, project manager for Voyager, holds a US flag that was attached to Voyager 2. The two probes also carry phonograph discs with images depicting life on Earth. — Photo: NASA

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The probe, launched into space in 1977, along with its “twin” Voyager 2 (which is operating smoothly), aims to collect data from interstellar space.

According to Nasathis information will provide valuable insights into the workings of the heliosphere, the barrier the Sun creates around the planets in our solar system.

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