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‘My mother gave me up for adoption when I was 4 years old’

The talent Factor X It never ceases to surprise the program’s followers. A few days ago it was one of the coahes, Abraham Mateo, who got a surprise upon meeting an old girlfriend. Now one of the contestants, the singer Marta Hidalgo, has confessed to being the daughter of Tina Muñoz, one of the members of the well-known flamenco group, The Grecas. It was after her performance that Marta revealed that her mother gave her up for adoption: “It’s a bittersweet story. I was adopted when I was four years old and I have always had this artistic streak.. “When I knew my origin, everything made sense,” he told the jury made up of Vanesa Martín, Abraham Mateo, Willy Bárcenas and Lali Espósitowho couldn’t help but be very surprised.

The new edition of ‘Factor X’ starts: we tell you all the news

She and her twin sister, given up for adoption

Marta’s story left the entire jury open-mouthed: both she and her twin sister were put up for adoption when their mother, who died in 1995 at the age of 37, entered her “period of decline.” Without going into many details of her mother’s dark time, Hidalgo added that both she and her sister were lucky enough to be adopted by the same family. Both grew up unaware of their family history until their sister’s wedding, held in 2017, when they saw their birth certificates: “I just put my name on Google and a lot of articles about my mother started to appear. What struck me was the great resemblance between my mother and my twin sister (…) The best reunion was with my sisters. I thought I had my twin sister and she is already here, but she had three more. She was the part of my mother that I had left,” she added.

Abraham Mateo, surprised with the presence of an ex-girlfriend in ‘X Factor’

His mother’s musical legacy

Marta said she felt lucky because what she wanted was to get answers, something she has already achieved. And now she fights to continue with her mother’s musical legacy. In Factor

The tragic life of Tina Muñoz

After the success achieved by The GrecasTina Muñoz was diagnosed, at just 23 years old, with paranoid schizophrenia. Added to her illness was her imprisonment, accused of robbing a hair salon. He had five children, of whom his three youngest daughters were given up for adoption. She died at age 37 from AIDS.

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