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Municipal Council Meeting Recap and Budget Updates: February 23, 2023

The municipal council met on Friday February 23. It only involved three deliberations, all taken unanimously.

Municipal workshop works. The amount of work planned in the municipal workshop has been reassessed at €20,000. A request for a Departmental Rural Solidarity Grant (DDSR) will be made.

PLUi. The Agglopolys local intercommunal urban planning plan was established in January 2023. Since then, modifications have proven necessary. They were submitted for the opinion of elected officials who validated all except one. The council requests that the 15 cm concrete plates at the base of the fence, authorized for the dividing boundaries, also be authorized on the public road side.

Municipal subsidies to associations. Some have been subject to re-evaluation. The amounts are established as follows. Fnaca: €50; UNC Onzain: €50; hunting union: €50; Charmed: €70; CDSAE sports association: €70; APE: €70; Rillageoise: €100; Mosnoise harmony: €200.

The next council, devoted to the budget, will be held on Friday March 22.

2024-02-25 10:46:33
#RillysurLoire #subsidies #associations #reassessed

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