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MTX Renewables: Leading the Way in Sustainable Energy and Technological Innovation

MTX⁢ Group Launches MTX Renewables to Focus on⁤ Sustainable ‍Energy⁢ Projects

MTX Group, a leading Czech industrial conglomerate,⁣ has announced the launch of its new division, MTX Renewables.⁣ The division will be responsible for‍ driving the group’s sustainable development initiatives, including⁤ smart manufacturing,⁢ investments in new technologies, renewable energy, recycling, and circular​ economy practices.

MTX ‌Renewables will also focus on‌ research and development of innovative technologies, such as low-emission ⁣synthetic gas production and hydrogen capture from industrial waste, ⁢particularly ​plastics. The division will benefit from the expertise of its⁢ partners​ from ⁤the United States, who have over 25 years of experience in this field.

“Our MTX Group is committed to an ambitious plan of ‌creating a modern 21st-century industry with high added value. This is evident in our planned ⁤investments of 7.5 billion Czech koruna into sustainable projects, modernization, and green⁣ transformation of our businesses and technologies. The key pillars of our development are investments in new technologies, renewable energy sources, recycling, and circular economy. Our newly established energy division, MTX Renewables,⁤ will play a crucial role in‌ fulfilling this strategy,” said Ondřej Douša, CEO and ⁤Chairman of the Board of MTX Renewables.

One of the main focuses ⁣of MTX Renewables will be ⁣on solar, water, and wind ⁢energy projects. The division is currently preparing five photovoltaic power plant projects with a total capacity ⁣of 60 MW, with ⁢an investment ‍of approximately 1.2 billion Czech koruna. These projects will include a combination of rooftop installations and solar parks with battery ​systems. Construction is expected ​to ‍begin between⁤ 2023 and 2024, with each investment being implemented gradually over the next five years. Additionally, two more solar power plant projects with a capacity of ⁢30 MWh are also planned.

The photovoltaic parks ⁤will be located in the ‌Bruntálsko region, near ‍the⁤ ALINVEST Břidličná plants and‍ the local branch of Strojmetal Aluminium Forging. The energy ‌generated will be used by ‌industrial production facilities to cover⁢ a significant portion ⁣of⁤ their energy consumption, reduce their carbon ‌footprint, and increase their energy self-sufficiency. Excess energy will be supplied⁤ to other MTX Group‍ companies in different parts of the Czech Republic.

MTX Renewables also ⁢plans to harness energy from watercourses and ⁤wind, depending ⁢on the specific geographical and climatic conditions of ⁤each location. For⁤ example,⁢ ALINVEST Břidličná and Povrly Copper Industries⁣ near Ústí nad Labem are historically ⁤situated near watercourses, making water a crucial element in their production‌ processes. In⁤ such ⁣cases, water resources and turbines will be utilized. MTX Renewables ‍also​ aims to‌ build a wind park in the Bruntálsko‍ region, which will supply energy during winter months and complement the energy production of ​the photovoltaic power plants during periods‌ of low sunlight.

In addition to investments in ⁢renewable energy sources,‍ MTX Renewables is⁣ also ⁣working on new methods of energy generation.⁣ One of⁢ its subsidiaries, Henry Gas, focuses on​ producing hydrogen‍ from industrial and municipal waste.

“One of our main⁣ priorities is renewable energy sources, from solar, ⁤water,‌ and⁢ wind to innovative technologies such⁢ as low-emission ⁤synthetic ⁣gas​ production and hydrogen capture from industrial waste. To successfully realize this ‍vision, we are collaborating with our American partners, who have ⁣over 25 ⁢years of experience in⁣ this field. This is just the beginning of our journey‌ towards ‍decarbonization and modernization of MTX Group. ​One ⁢of our​ goals, for example, is to have cities powered by hydrogen derived from municipal waste ​generated by local​ households,” added Douša.

According to the ⁢group,⁣ plastics have the highest potential for hydrogen‍ production, as​ only about one-third of plastic waste is currently recycled and reused. The remaining 70% is incinerated or sent to landfills. Henry Gas is developing⁤ a unique technology to ‌convert this waste ‍into a low-emission energy source.

The process‍ of obtaining hydrogen from municipal and⁤ industrial waste can be divided into four phases. The first ⁢phase involves working with the ‍waste⁤ itself and ⁤processing it into solid alternative fuel (TAP). The second phase is the⁤ conversion of TAP into material pellets, which are then subjected to high‍ temperatures to release hydrogen. The third phase involves capturing and purifying⁣ the hydrogen, while the fourth phase focuses on⁤ utilizing the hydrogen as a clean energy ⁤source.

MTX ⁣Renewables aims to contribute significantly to​ the transition towards a sustainable and green future, not only for ⁤the MTX Group but ‌also ‌for the Czech Republic as⁤ a whole. With its ‍focus on renewable energy projects and innovative technologies, the division is set to play a crucial role in achieving the group’s ambitious goals.MTX‌ Group Launches MTX Renewables to Focus on‌ Sustainable Energy Projects

MTX Group, a leading Czech industrial conglomerate, has announced the launch ‍of its new division, MTX Renewables. The division will‍ be responsible for driving the group’s development in smart manufacturing, new technologies, renewable energy, recycling, and ⁤circular ⁤economy initiatives. ⁢MTX Renewables will also focus on research and development of innovative technologies, such as low-emission ⁤synthetic⁤ gas production and hydrogen capture from industrial waste, particularly plastics. The ⁢division will benefit from the expertise of its partners in the United States,⁣ who ⁢have over 25 years​ of experience in this field.

“Our MTX Group is committed to an ambitious plan of creating a modern 21st-century industry with‌ high added ⁣value. This ​is evident in our planned investments of 7.5 billion Czech​ koruna⁢ into sustainable projects, ​modernization, and green transformation of our businesses and technologies. The key pillars ​of our development⁢ are investments in⁣ new technologies, renewable energy sources, recycling, and circular economy. Our newly⁢ established energy division, MTX Renewables, will play a crucial role in fulfilling this​ strategy,” said Ondřej Douša, CEO and Chairman of the Board of MTX Renewables.

One of the‍ main focuses of​ MTX Renewables will be on solar, water, and wind energy projects. Currently,⁤ the division is preparing five photovoltaic power plant projects with a total capacity of ‌60 MW, with an investment of approximately 1.2 billion Czech koruna. These projects will include a combination of rooftop installations and solar parks with battery systems. Construction is expected to begin between 2023‍ and ⁢2024,⁢ with each investment being implemented gradually ⁣over the‍ next five years. Additionally, two more solar power plant‍ projects with a capacity of 30 MWh ⁢are ‍also planned.

The⁣ photovoltaic parks will⁣ be ⁤located in the⁤ Bruntálsko region, near⁣ the ALINVEST Břidličná plants and the local branch of Strojmetal Aluminium Forging. The energy⁣ generated​ will be used by industrial production facilities to cover a significant‍ portion of their ‌energy consumption, ‌reduce⁤ their carbon footprint, and increase their energy self-sufficiency.⁢ Any‌ excess energy will‍ be ​supplied⁤ to other ⁤MTX Group companies in different parts of ​the Czech Republic.

MTX Renewables also ⁢plans to harness ⁤energy from watercourses and wind, depending on the specific geographical‌ and climatic conditions of each location. ⁢For example, ALINVEST‌ Břidličná and Povrly Copper Industries near Ústí nad Labem are‍ historically situated near watercourses, making water ⁢a crucial element in their production ⁢processes. In ‍such cases, water resources and turbines will ‍be utilized. MTX Renewables also aims to establish a wind⁣ park in the Bruntálsko region, which will supply energy during the​ winter months and⁣ complement the energy production of ‌the photovoltaic power plants during⁣ periods of low sunlight.

In addition⁣ to investments in renewable energy​ sources, MTX Renewables is also working on new methods of energy generation. ⁣One of its priorities is the production of hydrogen from industrial and ‍municipal waste, a project led by its subsidiary, Henry⁤ Gas.

“One of our main priorities is ⁣renewable energy sources,⁣ from solar, water,‍ and wind⁣ to innovative technologies such as low-emission synthetic gas production and hydrogen capture from industrial waste. To successfully realize this vision, we are collaborating‍ with our American partners, who ⁤have⁣ over⁣ 25 years of experience in this field. This is just the beginning of our journey towards decarbonization and modernization of MTX Group. One of our goals, for example, is to power cities​ with⁢ hydrogen from municipal waste, sourced from​ local ⁤households,” added Douša.

MTX Renewables ⁤aims to become⁤ a key ⁣player⁢ in the ⁢sustainable‌ energy sector, contributing to the transition to a greener and‌ more environmentally friendly future.⁤ With its ambitious investment plans and focus on innovative technologies, the division is ⁤set to make a ⁢significant⁢ impact in the Czech​ Republic’s renewable energy landscape.
detail​ photograph

How does MTX Renewables‌ plan to harness energy from watercourses and wind in different parts of the Czech Republic?

Ent parts ⁢of ⁡the Czech Republic.

MTX Renewables ⁡also plans to harness energy from watercourses and⁢ wind, depending on the⁢ specific ⁤geographical and climatic conditions of each location. For instance,⁣ ALINVEST Břidličná and⁢ Povrly Copper Industries near Ústí nad Labem have ample access to‌ watercourses, making​ water ⁢resources and turbines a key‍ element in their production processes.⁢ In such cases, MTX Renewables⁡ will utilize water resources and turbines⁠ to generate energy. Additionally, the division aims to build a wind‍ park in the⁣‍ Bruntálsko region,⁡ which will ⁤supply energy‌ during ⁣⁣winter ‍months and complement the‌ energy production of the photovoltaic power plants during periods of ⁣low ⁤sunlight.

In ​addition to investments in renewable energy sources, MTX Renewables is also focusing on new methods of⁢ energy

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