Home » today » Entertainment » Mroczek CAUGHT on a date with a friend from “M jak miłość”! [ZDJĘCIA PAPARAZZI] – Super Express

Mroczek CAUGHT on a date with a friend from “M jak miłość”! [ZDJĘCIA PAPARAZZI] – Super Express

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Author: PAPARA69 (3)

Rafał Mroczek (40) is no longer alone! It seems that the star “M jak miłość” is in love again. He is more and more often seen in the company of the beautiful Joanna Kuberska (30), also an actress with whom he once created a couple on the screen. Well, apparently the passion interrupted by screenwriters found its happy ending in private life.

Rafał was a bit less lucky in love than his brother Marcin (40 years). The celebrity’s long-term relationship with Joanna Skrzyszewska, the fruit of which is the daughter of Zosia (6), broke up three years ago. It was said that for a long time he could not recover from this breakup. Fortunately, this is a thing of the past, and the actor’s heart beats again. Everything indicates that Mroczek has finally found a suitable life partner. He spends more and more time with Joanna Kuberska, whom he met on the set in 2016 “M like love”where they played a couple. And although the fate of the TV series Julka Kryszak and Paweł Zduński was missed on the screen, the actors continued their relationship on a private basis. Recently they spent a nice evening in one of the trendy bars in the capital, where you can not only have a drink, but also listen to jazz. They looked very much in love. They looked into each other’s eyes affectionately and hugged each other. You can see that they feel good with each other. They make a really cute couple. The photos on Instagram also show that recently they were also in the mountains at the same time.

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