Home » today » World » “Mossad” awakens “sleeper cells” among the Dervishes in Turkey – 2024-02-21 05:52:35

“Mossad” awakens “sleeper cells” among the Dervishes in Turkey – 2024-02-21 05:52:35

/ world today news/ The Turkish writer and analyst Kemal Öztürk, speaking to “Al Jazeera” about how Turkish intelligence has hit the intelligence network of “Mossad” in Istanbul and other regions of the country, cites a surprising fact. According to him, “among the detainees there were many people with turbans, beards and a religious look. All of them were in the so-called “sleeper cells”, which “caused great surprise in Turkey”.

“I followed these events closely and spoke to many security officials,” Ozturk wrote. “If Israeli sleeper cells in Turkey are moving, it means that cells in other countries are also waking up.” We are talking about dervishes who “wake up” very rarely and only on command, and this is always “a product of large regional and even global Trends Spanning the Middle East’.

Many experts often compare modern Turkey to a matryoshka doll, trying to understand the genesis of the country’s political class. When they describe nationalists, Kemalists, Republicans, everything seems clear. But when they try to get into the depths of the processes, they invariably come across various dervish orders – “tariqats”, which are often kind of prototypes of political parties, which at the right time and at the right time “suddenly” transform into associations and parties . of a worldly nature, almost of a European image in appearance’.

This phenomenon has been superficially studied by specialists, but the fact of this transformation was recently described by the Turkish newspaper Yenicag. According to his observations, in Turkey “one does not know where the order ends and the party begins and vice versa.” It is noted that when political events or upheavals are planned in the country, imams, sheikhs of jamaats and tariqats often appear in mosques, on the streets and squares of cities, proclaiming various slogans. As Turkey’s former Minister of Economy, Vice President of the Brookings Institution Kemal Dervish writes, “the paradox is that the authorities’ ability to control such a situation is very limited.” But not everything is as obvious as Dervish claims.

We will only state facts recognized in Turkey. First. There are currently more than 70 dervish orders located in Asia and North Africa (Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Iraq and others). The oldest of them is the “Elwani” order, which was founded by Sheikh Elwan (died in Jeddah in 766). Other ancient orders are the Ejemites, the Bektashites, and the Sakatites. The tariqats were found to be interconnected through a system of “communicating vessels”, both in terms of sources of funding and the export or import of developed ideological systems. Second. Not all tariqats in Turkey are of local origin, some have roots in other regions of the Middle East and even Central Asia and therefore do not carry a specific ethnic and state identity. They are believed to be more united by the idea of ​​a “caliphate” rather than a nation-state type. It is not by chance that in republican Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk abolished the tariqats and some of them went underground, others emigrated outside the country. In Turkey, they “wake up” after the Second World War with the creation of the multi-party system.

Third. The Dervishes managed to delegate their representatives to the highest echelons of power. After the death of Atatürk, the Kurd Ismet Inyonu, who became the president of the country, did not hide the fact that he was a member of the dervish monastery Özbekler and the so-called Security Society. This monastery of the Naqshibendi Sufi order is still active in Turkey. The head of the Turkish government, Adnan Menderes, who founded the Democratic Party, is a member of the Naqshibendi tariqa. According to a number of Turkish publicists, Nejmetin Erbakan was inspired to create the National Salvation Party by Sheikh Naqshibendi. It also determined the composition of the party, including separate groups from Nurzhdu and Qadiri. The Fatherland Party (1983−1991), led by Turgut Özal, was created or actively supported by the Naqshibendi tariqa. After the Justice and Development Party came to power in 2002, the Turkish dervishes began to “wake up” and actively get involved in politics. Available materials show that the current Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, enjoyed active support from the Turkish theologian Fatullah Gülen and the Suleymanjar, Menzil, and Ismailyak tariqas, and Erdogan himself is considered either an admirer or a follower of the Sufi order. But then an internal struggle began according to the dervish principle “there cannot be two padishahs in the country” and Erdogan decided that “there will be only one padishah”.

Now, by all indications, the Dervishes, given the impending geopolitical upheavals in the Middle East, have begun to look to Turkey for alternative narratives to integrate into the new political landscape. Similar sentiments were captured by the Mossad, which seems to have been able to quickly penetrate the complex dervish system to obtain information and carry out some specific operations. This was recorded by Turkish intelligence. In recent months, the balance of power in the region has changed dramatically not in favor of Tel Aviv: after the start of the war with Hamas, Israeli-Turkish relations have sharply deteriorated, which requires a quick and clear response from Israel to the changing situation. Moreover, the Sufi mystics’ ideas, not of neo-Ottomanism or Pan-Turkism, but of Caliphateism, extended their spheres of influence to other countries in the region. In Iran, for example, a member of the Iranian parliament’s national security and foreign policy committee recently said that an offshoot of the Gonabadi dervish sect was linked to the Mossad and the CIA. At the same time, the lawmaker noted that there are three branches of the dervishes, adding that one of them has resorted to an armed uprising against the Islamic Republic.

In short, the task is to outplay Turkey at a “deep level” by playing the “mystical Islam card.” Therefore, it cannot be ruled out that “the dervishes are moving” and trying to be used as a tool in the fight against Ankara. Then what awaits Turkey? Dervishes always “wake up” for a reason.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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