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Morning after pill. Donald Tusk: The matter is finalized. The bill goes to the Sejm

The bill on the morning-after pill will be submitted to the Sejm. The matter was finalized at the government meeting, said Prime Minister Donald Tusk. He specified that “we are talking about over-the-counter access for those interested from 15 years of age and up.”

– The topics at today’s meeting of the Council of Ministers included the finalization of work at the government stage regarding the so-called “morning after” pill. The matter has been finalized. The draft law will be sent to the Sejm – Donald Tusk announced at the conference.

He specified that “we are talking about over-the-counter access for those interested from 15 years of age and up.” – This is about one specific drug called EllaOne in the Act. This is a method that prevents fertilization, so it is not an early abortion pill, which aroused emotions in many circles, but a pill that prevents pregnancy – explained the Prime Minister. He noted that “under 15 years of age a prescription will be required.”

– This is the most common solution in the European Union countries and will enable universal access to emergency contraception for all those for whom it was previously unavailable.

As he said, “the act itself is very simple, because it actually changes one short provision in the act that has been in force so far.” – I hope that during the work in parliament and later, when the bill reaches the president’s desk, there will be no objections, obstructions or attempts to veto this bill. It seems indisputable that this drug should, of course, be widely available to those interested, Tusk emphasized.

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