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Morena will present initiative on protection of Mexicans abroad

Mexico City. Morena’s leadership announced that, in the next legislature, it will present in the Senate an initiative to “have a single legal system that protects Mexicans abroad,” mainly in the United States.

It is about establishing “all the rights of Mexicans abroad, the instruments to protect them,” whatever the result of the election in that country, indicated the former Secretary of Foreign Affairs and candidate for the Senate, Marcelo Ebrard.

In a press conference with Morena’s migrant candidates for the Senate and House of Representatives, he explained that the initiative will be built 90 percent with contributions from Mexicans abroad, so that “whatever situation they face,” include “the way to assert their labor rights and as Mexican citizens.”

The initiative, he said, will be presented by the Senate bench. “The mandate of the presidential candidate, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, is that it has to be done now. Why have a single legal system that protects Mexicans abroad? Because there are many, in fact the regulation of migrant representation is different in each state; the issue of civil registration…”

Ebrard, who is liaison coordinator with Mexican organizations abroad for the presidential campaign, pointed out that the proposal will be accompanied by an item in the budget for 2025, as well as an action plan.

This is, he said, “what does everyone do, because it is a task of Foreign Relations, but not only, almost all instances have obligations regarding Mexicans abroad, such as the INE, the civil registry that depends on the 32 states. ; For example, in terms of the operation of the TMEC in the labor field, what happens to the more than 11 million without recognized rights.”

The Morena leader presented the migrants that his party nominated. “They are authentic leaders, who have worked for a long time in the United States, mainly, to organize and defend the rights” of Mexicans in that country, he maintained.

Delgado said that “they are going to come to Congress to defend, with the support of Morena and the next president, Claudia Sheinbaum, the entire migrant agenda.”

#Morena #present #initiative #protection #Mexicans
– 2024-05-10 19:18:16

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