Home » today » Health » Montreal’s Official Opposition Calls for Health Check and Air Quality Analysis in Eastern Montreal

Montreal’s Official Opposition Calls for Health Check and Air Quality Analysis in Eastern Montreal

The Official Opposition at Montreal City Hall is asking the Plante administration and regional public health to work together to carry out a health check of eastern Montreal.

Local elected officials are concerned about the impact of various development projects on air quality in this part of the city, where pollution is already present.

“It remains a constant concern for people in the sector: what air pollutants do they live with on a day-to-day basis? “said Julien Hénault-Ratelle, municipal councilor in Tétreaultville, at a press briefing on Tuesday. “It affects their quality of life. »

Flanked by his colleague Alba Zuniga Ramos from the neighboring district of Louis-Riel, Mr. Hénault-Ratelle pointed to the arrival of the Ray-Mont Logistiques transshipment platform, as well as the planned extension of boulevard de l’Assomption and of avenue Souligny as new disturbing elements. “We find ourselves in front of a perfect storm to negatively impact the air quality of the sector,” he said.

Mme Zuniga Ramos and Mr. Hénault-Ratelle therefore request that a health impact assessment (HIA) of the development of eastern Montreal be carried out by Montreal Public Health.

They also want two air quality analysis stations to be added in the east of Montreal, in order to have continuous information on the presence of pollutants.

“We see the role of the Plante administration as being more proactive on the file,” she said. “Eastern citizens need to be heard. »

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