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Montpellier: Arnaud Souquet will not be traveling to Dijon

Released at half-time during the success against Angers (4-1) on Sunday, the right side “will not be fit” for the next meeting in Burgundy, Sunday (3 pm).

In Côte-d’Or, Montpellier will have to compose without one of its men in form at the start of the season. Arnaud Souquet “will not be fit” to face Dijon on Sunday (3 pm, 5th day), MHSC coach Michel Der Zakarian told us on Wednesday.

The right side suffers “from a small tear in the aponeurosis” of a thigh, according to the technician who will therefore have to do without his defender on the DFCO field. “We hope to recover it for Nîmes” and the derby (Sunday October 4 at La Mosson), adds Der Zak ‘.

Sambia applies

The latter had already had to do without his side last Sunday, during the success against Angers (4-1). Souquet had felt pain from the start of the game before scoring and then giving way at half-time to Junior Sambia.

Sambia, author of a very good second half, crowned with a decisive pass on Andy Delort’s second goal, should therefore apply for a tenure on the right of the defense on Sunday.

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