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Mirtha Legrand told what it was like to see Juana Viale again after a month and revealed if her granddaughter brought her a gift

Mirtha Legrand told what it was like to see Juana Viale again after a month (Video: La Noche de Mirtha, El Trece)

At the beginning of April, it was announced that Juana Viale was absent from her program, Almorzando con Juana (El Trece), to embark on a trip of almost 30 days. Her grandmother, Mirtha Legrand, took the reins of the program during her absence. During that time, the actress and host undertook this sailing trip with her partner, Yago Lange, son of the Olympic medalist Santiago Lange, and an additional team of three people, with the purpose of studying the Atlantic, collecting plastics that pollute the waters. and record images for a documentary.

“I just met Juanita, I hadn’t seen her in more than a month, I did her programs and we had a kiss, a hug recently and she gave me a pleasure… she cut her hair,” Mirtha began by saying in her program this Saturday night. “Does she bring him a gift when she goes on a trip?” asked Sebastián Vignolo, one of the guests. “No (laughs), and I’m not asking you either. The gift is her, who is very loving and affectionate,” responded the lunch diva.

“What do you like to be given?” Lizardo Ponce, another of the guests who shared the table with Chiqui, wanted to know. “Perfumes, so you know…” Legrand responded jokingly and then mentioned the Angel fragrance, remembering that it was the one Maradona used and that it captivated her when she hugged the soccer star a long time ago.

Afterwards, Mirtha highlighted the attitude of one of the program workers. “This cameraman I have here on the right is lovely because he collaborates with the program and always contributes something. The other day she asked me: ‘Do you like brown glacé?’ Yes, I like them, I told him, but they are very expensive, and this morning he showed up with two,” the host said excitedly, remembering that the mother of cameraman Gustavo Rodríguez, better known as “Gurka,” was one of her producers.

A few days after announcing her return to the small screen, the actress had a telephone conversation with her grandmother. In this, not only did she make clear her gratitude for him taking her place, but she also assured him that she was already a short distance from the country. Her words were well received by the diva, although she highlighted her desire to see her again and, furthermore, for her to occupy her original role.

“I want to tell you that I have replaced you with all the love and affection,” Legrand said at one point in their conversation, which earned him endless praise from his granddaughter. Along the same lines, she added: “I have tried my best, but I want you to come back soon.”

Laughing, Juana told her in detail about the route she had to take to return to Argentina, which caused the driver to express her concerns about it. “It has risks, but we all take care of each other, like anything in life, but how nice to take them!” She said on that occasion.

Juana Viale gave details of her trip on Mirtha Legrand’s program (Video: Having lunch with Mirtha Legrand, El Trece)

With a firm commitment to caring for the environment, the entertainer joined an incredible adventure that led her to spend several weeks on a boat in the water. Although it was not easy at all, the truth is that she enjoyed the waters and different recreational activities on the high seas, which she shared with her companions. Each of these moments were captured by the lens of her cameras, since they were responsible for recording her feat to turn it into a documentary.

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