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Miraculous Story of Remco: Overcoming a Chronic Muscular Disease

In the final episode of the six-part series ‘Wonder: stories of the inexplicable’, on our EO YouTube channel, we meet Remco de Zwart. He has just gotten married and become a father when he finds out that he has a chronic muscular disease. He will spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, until he suddenly regains his strength after a few years.

The young couple is happy when they find out they are having a girl, but a baby and a new job also cause stress. “I noticed that I was very tired and that I could no longer get out of bed in the morning,” Remco says, thinking back on that period. They decide to take a week off to rest. The holiday is off to a wonderful start. ”But some strange things happened. For example, I found the sun very bright and I couldn’t do without my sunglasses. And while eating I tried to bite through the cucumber and tomato and I couldn’t… I thought: what’s wrong with me?” Remco says doubtfully.

‘That was something that really shocked me’

Remco notices that he is losing strength in his entire body, but he wants to continue to enjoy the holiday. The next day the couple goes to the top of a mountain on their scooter. ”But suddenly I was stretched out on the ground after we got off for a while. That was something that really shocked me.” The hospital is called and while Remco is waiting alone in his hotel room, he feels that his arms and legs are slowly no longer working. There’s a thought going through his mind that he might die. “I would leave my six-month-old daughter without a father.”

The complaints then become worse and worse. “It took me half an hour to get from the bed to the toilet,” says Remco. It is a mystery to the doctors what is going on with the young man. He is taken to the Netherlands. Remco undergoes endless examinations there and the results are not good: he has a chronic muscle disease and he has to live on medication hoping that it does not get worse than it is now. ”I was shocked. Suddenly a movie plays before your eyes that you will spend the rest of your life in a wheelchair and cannot do anything anymore.”

No coincidence

His father-in-law gives him a book as support. ”At one point in that book it is about a boy who has the same disease. My father-in-law knew nothing about this, so that couldn’t be a coincidence for me,” Remco indicates. Later in the book the boy is healed. Remco accepts this as the word of God for his situation. He says to himself: “I’m not going to heal right away, but I’m going to heal.”

Remco is released from the hospital, but a difficult period follows during which he can hardly do anything, only walk a bit. After two years, he tries to train again with a colleague. They meet a few more times and Remco feels his strength slowly returning. “I was able to do more and more and at a certain point I could bench press a hundred kilos,” says Remco. He goes for a check-up with the neurologist and explains what happened. ”He thought it was a miracle and said I could stop taking my pills. I was healed.”

Watch now on YouTube

Would you like to know how Remco is doing now and what this miracle has been like for him? Then watch the episode of ‘Wonder: stories of the unexplained’ on us EO YouTube channel.

2023-10-04 15:21:12
#leave #sixmonthold #daughter #father

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