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Ministry of Health Launches Vaccination Campaign in Banda del Río Salí Municipality

The Ministry of Health of the province, through the Siprosa Immunization Department, carries out a vaccination campaign in the municipality of Banda del Río Salí.

The Head of the Siprosa Immunization Department, doctor Miguel Ferre Contrerascommented that “this campaign arises from an initiative of the Minister of Health, Dr. Luis Medina Ruiz, that articulating the campaign with the Mayor Gonzalo Monteros and the doctor Patricia Chavezaims to bring all adult vaccines to all municipal employees in all its departments.

Ferre Contreras explained that “this is very important because adults are not very used to vaccination, since Covid this fact has been revived and in this sense we want to highlight that every adult must have the vaccine against Covid, against Hepatitis B, against Measles and Rubella, in addition to getting a booster with anti-tetanus every 10 years. We must not neglect getting vaccinated, because Covid continues to circulate and we must have at least one booster with a bivariate vaccine, which is what we are giving, and this is important so that we can control this disease once and for all.

In turn, the Secretary of Public Health and Environment of the municipality of Banda del Río Salí, doctor Patricia Chavez He highlighted that “the campaign will be carried out until the last municipal employee is vaccinated, because the main objective of our mayor Gonzalo Monteros is to take care of them, to continue improving their quality of life and that in this way they can continue working hard for the Bandeño neighbor. In one day alone, more than 300 doses were given, since some were with the vaccine schedule a little abandoned. “Updating them is a reason for joy because it is the way we take care of our health,” he concluded.


2024-02-08 22:51:20
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