Home » today » Entertainment » Mind on age, Andhika Pratama habit since ancient times was skinned by Ussy Sulistiawati: Usually dating…

Mind on age, Andhika Pratama habit since ancient times was skinned by Ussy Sulistiawati: Usually dating…

Hops.ID – It looks harmonious, it turns out to be a family Andhika Pratama and Ussy Sulistiawaty full of lies.

Recently, Ussy Sulistiawaty made a shocking confession about the lies he always tells Andhika Pratama.

Since ancient times, Ussy Sulistiawaty has already heard bad omens Andhika Pratama to keep a bag of lies.

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To get the love of Ussy Sulistiawaty, Andhika Pratama admits he was born in 1982. Originally, Andhika Pratama born in 1986.

This lie was made on purpose Andhika Pratamaso that they are considered the same age as Ussy Sulistiawaty.

Not only that, Andhika Pratama I also don’t want to be considered a child in front of Ussy Sulistiawaty.

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“I admit that I was born at 82, even though I was born at 86, because so it can be considered the same, it is a lie,” Ussy Sulistiawaty said on Wednesday as quoted by Hops.ID from The Sungkars YouTube channel, January 4, 2023 .

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