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Mina Returns with an Album All About Love: “I Love You Like a Fool”

April 22, 202302:47

Released “I love you like a fool” which contains the duet with Blanco “A bit of joy” and “Poor love” used by Ferzan Ozpetek

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Mina returns with an album all about love, the first unreleased album after “Mina Fossati“. “I love you like crazy” is a feuilleton with many musical stories, sometimes cheerful, sometimes dramatic and it is no coincidence that the cover mentions photo novels such as “Bolero Film”, one of the few times (perhaps the only one) in which the Tiger of Cremona chooses a cover – entrusted as always to Mauro Balletti – which matches the content. There is the duet with Blanco in “A bit of happiness”there is “Poor love” used by the director Ferzan Ozpetek for the upcoming film “New Olympus” and the cover “All that a man” by Sergio Cammariere.

In the new album “I love you like a fool” Mina chooses different authors, worlds and atmospheres. The only trait d’union is her voice and that ironic vein that the artist never gives up.

Mina and the youngsters, the words of Massimiliano Pani “Mina has always given a voice to new authors – explains her son Massimiliano Pani – about 5-6 thousand pieces arrive every year that Mina listens to punctually, by the way we are three years behind (she points out, ed). Many pieces arrive from all the boys of the nouvelle vague. She has been an artistic director all her life, it is a long and very complicated job. She is the only artist who gives satisfaction to young people, she is always very curious and attentive. As she did at the time with Gino Paoli and Fabrizio De Andrè when I sing ‘La canzone di Marinella’ and it snatched him, as the singer-songwriter liked to remember, from a career as a lawyer…”.

Mina and the duet with Blanco Among the many songs she chose the song by Blanco, “A bit of joy” arrived with a closed disc but she fell in love with it. A song where Mina entering Blanco’s world. Producer Michelangelo explains: “The song has changed its face, the interlocking of the two voices makes the song very different from how it was before, the harmonization is a third above Blanco’s melody… the closing alone is worth the whole song , with Mina singing a capella, I have to admit that when I heard it I was moved”.

The rereadings of Mina Powerful is the letter to God written by
Enzo Avitabile in “Don Salvatò” (the author had already included it in his 2009 album “Napoletana”) that Mina sings in Neapolitan with pain as if she had “na spina rinto o core”. Sophisticated is the other reinterpretation, “All that a man”, the song that
Sergio Cammariere presented at the Sanremo Festival in 2003 finishing in third place and receiving the Critics Award. Twenty years later the song takes on new life and Mina makes it an evergreen.

The relationship with Ferzan Ozpetek The one with Ferzan Ozpetek is a friendship that has distant roots and that has led them to collaborate together with “Luna diamante” for the film “La dea fortuna” and “Se Buttare l’amore” in the theme song of the series “Le fate ignoranti”. Now it’s the turn of “Poor love” which will instead enter the new film “New Olympus”. “We talked at length about the song for this film, I have the great fortune – says the director – of having a continuous exchange of ideas with her, who has enormous availability. She reads the scripts and immediately finds strengths and weaknesses, for me it’s almost supernatural. In recent years she has been among the most important people in my life: I had sent her my novel on my mobile phone at 2 pm, by 7 pm she had already finished reading it and wrote me that it was a bomb. I must admit that, when I something special happens, the first thing I think is: what would Mina say about it? Can I call you? I ask for your advice? She really liked the script of the new film and says she can’t wait to see it, when I chose ‘Poor love’ he even said to me: ‘Ferzan, look, you can always change your mind’…”.

Mina always authoritative without appearing “We are here – concludes Pani – for the presentation of an album by an artist who has not done a concert for 45 years and has not done TV for 47 years. There is no such artist in the world who has managed to remain so close to young people. Mina plays in subtraction, it does not appear on social networks, it does the opposite and yet it is authoritative. It destroyed and created its image, it has always made courageous choices, at the age of 20 it sang ‘Il Cielo in una stanza’ and has never stopped… it just does what interests her, her records”.

The most beautiful photos of Mina

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