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Millions of Smart Toothbrushes Infected by Hackers and Used in DDoS Attacks: Cybersecurity Expert Shares Tips on Protecting Connected Devices

Millions of Smart Toothbrushes Infected by Hackers and Enslaved Into Botnets

Millions of Smart Toothbrushes Infected by Hackers and Enslaved Into Botnets

DDoS Attack on Swiss Company’s Website Causes Millions of Euros in Damages

An anonymous report reveals a shocking incident in the world of cybersecurity. An estimated three million smart toothbrushes have fallen victim to hackers and have been forced into botnets, which were then utilized to carry out a destructive Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack on a Swiss company’s website. According to the source, the attack placed a heavy burden on the targeted site’s infrastructure, resulting in the loss of millions of Euros in business.

Notably, the report refrains from explicitly naming the brand or make of the toothbrushes that were compromised. However, it does unveil the vulnerability of the toothbrush botnet, attributed to its underlying Java-based operating system.

Risks Faced by Connected Devices

A respected cybersecurity expert, Stefan Zuger from the Swiss branch of Fortinet, highlighted the increasing risks and highlighted various devices that are susceptible to cyber exploitation. Zuger emphasized that any internet-connected device, such as toothbrushes, routers, set-top boxes, surveillance cameras, doorbells, baby monitors, washing machines, and more, could potentially be targeted by attackers or even utilized as infiltration vectors in coordinated attacks.

Unveiling the Ongoing Arms Race

Zuger further shed light on the continuous battle between software and firmware developers and cybercriminals. He mentioned that hackers frequently explore and exploit vulnerabilities in connected devices and set up searching algorithms to automatically identify and penetrate weak points. As a stark example of the alarming rate of attacks, Fortinet conducted an experiment by deliberately exposing an unprotected PC to the internet. Astonishingly, it took a mere 20 minutes before the PC became infected with malware, exposing the disastrous potential of unauthorized access.

Mitigating the Risks

Zuger also advised users to remain diligent when it comes to protecting their connected devices. Employing robust security measures, such as ensuring devices are current with the latest updates and patches, using strong and unique passwords, and enabling multi-factor authentication wherever possible, can significantly reduce the chances of falling victim to attacks. In the fast-paced and interconnected world, it is essential for individuals and businesses to stay vigilant and thwart cyber threats that have the potential to cause significant financial and reputational damage.

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