Home » today » News » Militsa Gladnishka and Nona Yotova take over the stage in “I love Bulgaria” – 2024-04-25 11:35:18

Militsa Gladnishka and Nona Yotova take over the stage in “I love Bulgaria” – 2024-04-25 11:35:18

Two charming actresses – Militsa Gladnishka and Nona Yotova, will storm the stage of “I love Bulgaria” with the team of Alexander Kadiev – this Friday at 20:00 on bTV, for a cheerful, dynamic and absolutely artistic game. Captain Kamen Alipiev – Kedera will “fight back” with the equally passionate, in cooking and in games – Chef Ilian Kustev and the influencer Boyana Marinova. In the teams formed in this way, in the first seconds of the game, unexpected verbal fights, jokes, arguments and teasing will break out, which will not subside, but on the contrary – will escalate throughout the episode, right up to its unexpected finale.

“Who knew that we would meet again and so soon!?”, Milica Gladnishka will welcome captain Kadiev to her team with a smile. “I was forced to come… but I really love Bulgaria and this game, and I think there are many things to be proud of!” the actress will answer in her typical style. “Now we’ll see if a horse eats beans?”, Chef will threaten at the beginning of the game
Kustev, and he will throw himself into the game, not one hundred, but one thousand percent. The tin of Bulgarian cheese will be the prize for the winners in the new episode, and who will grab it with a lot of knowledge about the homeland, with cunning, speed and a dose of luck – the viewers are yet to find out.

“My uncle worked at the NPP, and I don’t know where Kozloduy is!”, Militsa Gladnishka will get angry after one of the questions, and Kedera and Kustev will almost agree on whether they are weak in geography or geometry.
And this Friday, Sasho Kadiev will find reasons to “get angry”, and this time his “problem” will be technical – with the button. Very soon it will turn out that Chef Kustev is no less emotional and passionate in the game than Kadiev, and already during one of the first games he will cause a real commotion in “I love Bulgaria”.

“Well, our guests are a bit aggressive”, the presenter Alex Sarchadzhieva will apologize to the attendees with a smile, and to calm the passions, she will surprise the participants with an exciting guest in “Heroes among us”, with inscrutable dialects and great musical riddles, on which everyone will dance.

Which of the actresses will turn out to be “iron” in the game “Time Machine” and what the famous Chef will win in one of the boxes will become clear on Friday night, and who will win 50 points in “Wheel of Fortune” and how much fun personal stories will come to light – it will become clear only in the new super funny episode of “I love Bulgaria”.

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#Militsa #Gladnishka #Nona #Yotova #stage #love #Bulgaria

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