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Milik insists on Juve. Jimenez also remains in the sights

TORINO – The end of the month not only marks the closing of the balance sheets. Unless new extensions, the ultimatum of Napoli ad will expire in a couple of days Arkadiusz Owned. The Polish striker continues to prove himself as professional on the field – he scored the decisive penalty against Juventus in the Italian Cup final and went on to score at the restart of the championship with Verona – as sure and decisive in the decisions that affect his future. Former Ajax has a short contract with the company Aurelio De Laurentiis (deadline 2021) and does not seem willing to want to extend. From Poland, an even sharper picture filters out. Arek not only does not want to renew with the blues, but has a precise idea in mind for the next year. To reach Maurizio Sarri in Turin to play in tandem with the various Cristiano Ronaldo e Paulo Dybala. Some foreign clubs have also noticed the Milik’s black and white project in recent days. Atletico and Tottenham conducted a new survey, but did not find very fertile ground. Quite the contrary. In Spain and England they will not let go of Milik and they will certainly look for Naples in the coming weeks, but from the latest contacts they have understood that it will not be taken for granted that the center forward will change his mind.

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