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Milan, Kessié will decide his destination within a month: Inter also tried but … | First page

Franck Kessié will not renew his contract with Milan, the midfielder will leave Milan and Italy, even if on the other side of the canal, the Nerazzurri, they have not yet completely surrendered to the idea of ​​letting him go with a light heart. Exactly for this reason Marotta is in strong pressure but from Viale della Liberazione, after the first poll, they understood that satisfying the player’s requests will not be easy. Both sides have become aware of the situation, to understand if Inter will try a new assault which is not foreseen for now.

BARCELONA ADVANCES – Those who seriously begin to cultivate the idea that the deal is possible is the Barcelona, which for some time has placed the radars on Milan. For now we are in the dialogues, nothing too advanced, but there is the approval of the player, for the club and for the city. Kessie will decide her future within a month, we are not far from the moment of truth, but talking about a deal made with the Catalans means going further. From the Premier there is the interest of a big company that could shift the balance from one moment to the next and in a month something can always change.

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