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Microsoft Bans Employees from Using Chat GPT: Security and Data Issues

Microsoft on Thursday issued a notice to employees banning them from using Chat GPT due to “security and data issues,” reports CNBC. The Midjourney image generator was also mentioned in the notice as a program employees should use with caution. Along with the message, Chat GPT was also blocked completely. But after CNBC published its news, Microsoft was quick to restore access to the chatbot and redo its message.

When Microsoft then makes a statement about the incident, they say that the block was just a mistake that came from an internal system test they held for large language programs. They say that employees are happy to use Chat GPT and Bing Chat, as Microsoft believes that these two have a higher level of security.

That it was Microsoft that blocked the use of Chat GPT was seen as ironic as the technology giant invested large sums of money in the program. It pledged earlier this year to invest another US$10 billion over the coming years.

Microsoft is now one of a number of large companies that have asked their employees not to use chatbot programs such as Chat GPT. In the past, for example, both Samsung and Apple have done just this, either through recommendations to their employees or completely blocking the programs in the workplace.

Is it okay for workplaces to block this type of program?

2023-11-11 19:00:00
#Microsoft #blocked #employees #Chat #GPT

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