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Micky Beisenherz expresses his displeasure with his misplaced luggage.

What a disappointment: Those who do good and are noble are not always rewarded – the suitcase can simply disappear.

By Micky Beisenherz

For us high achievers, interpersonal relationships are a constant source of disappointment. You try hard, shine again and again – and only get back frustration. I was recently the victim of an injustice that is almost unique. I had to rush from Munich to Hamburg on a Monday morning, so I signed up for the Lufthansa adventure. What I was not aware of is the literal meaning of the phrase “check in baggage”.

Thе Ehrlich Brothers & Sisters оf thе airline аrе definitely using all аt their magic tо make thе 20 kilogram trolley disappear between northern and southern Germany in an hour. Then yоu stand аt thе baggage carousel like mortar lugner in front of the vocational school. When it comes to luggage, Hamburg Airport is clearly similar to the Bermuda Triangle, where responsibility shifts back and forth between the airline and the airport, similar to an MPK. One way Take a deep breath.

All of my work was packed in thе suitcase, as well as some colorful turtleneck sweaters аnd a plaid coat. I particularly apologize for the items of clothing that are no longer available. This also shows that there are others who like sweaters like this. The children are brought by the stork. The suitcases disappear while the crane works.

However, the injustice I experienced as a result of their failure is far more serious than their failure. On the way to the airport, I wasn’t extremely generous to the taxi driver? Wasn’t it the maids in the hotel that I slipped something? Noble deeds that should have prepared me for such a calamity! What happened to your karma That happens to me regularly. Mistakes, harassment, and negligence by third parties are almost always followed by small good deeds.

If I give the conductor a smartphone that I found on the train, I lose my iPod in the taxi that same evening. My car’s battery is dead because I’m helping someone on the street find their cat. Zаck, who was faster on Ebay than the grandmother across the street, waved hello.

The contents of the misplaced suitcase are worth around 7,000 euros.

Yes, is there no higher power that examines my godly deeds and, if not rewarded, at least not punishes me? Even I contribute! It makes you extremely anxious.

If you cross the street when it is red, do not clean up dog poop or visit your parents, you will be punished in China with minus points for credit or transport worthiness. You’ve been gone for 20 years if you not only spit gum on the street but also criticize the president. But you know what I’m talking about, don’t you? Karma is a kind of cosmic savings club that pays out the good life as a long-term dividend rather than a short-term reward.

More than two weeks after the loss, I try to keep my composure as my wife bullies the airline’s shiny hotline staff. Incidentally, the cost of lost content is around 7,000 euros. Finally, I recently bought another Bahncard. And I would still have my suitcase if I had dragged it from Munich to Hamburg instead of flying around the country in a harmful way.

Micky Beisenherz is excited to hear from you: What inspires you? Share your thoughts with our columnist on Facebook at www.fаcebook.com/micky.beisenherz.


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