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Mick Schumacher / Formula 1: Assessment of Michael Schumacher’s son makes you sit up and take notice

Son of Formula 1 record world champion Michael Schumacher: Mick Schumacher (left).

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Mick Schumacher starts his first Formula 1 season in Bahrain. However, the son of record world champion Michael Schumacher promptly struggles with a huge mortgage.

Munich / Bahrain – His name is extremely prominent and associated with spectacular successes: Mick Schumacher, son of record world champion Michael Schumacher, will start his first Formula 1 season this weekend (March 26-28) with the Bahrain Grand Prix. The young German had become Formula 2 world champion in the preseason.

Son of Michael Schumacher: Sky expert Mick Schumacher does not trust any miracles in Formula 1 – not for the time being

Nevertheless, Sport-Germany shouldn’t expect any miracles from the 22-year-old youngster, who sits in the Haas team’s bolide with a Ferrari engine. That affirmed Sky– Commentator and motorsport expert Sascha Roos in conversation with tz.de.

Mick Schumacher has a good “foresight and prudence” on the track, said Roos, his employer Sky Formula 1 broadcasts exclusively again. Said caution is “especially important in the car he is sitting in this season. He won’t be up front a little. That’s why he has to keep track of things when the field collapses, “said Roos:” To see spaces, to anticipate where he can overtake. “

Son of Michael Schumacher: Mick Schumacher starts his Formula 1 career in Bahrain

It was “not realistic” that Mick Schumacher would compete for points in the Formula 1 classification in his first season, the sports journalist continued, and still cited an exception: “He can score points if eight cars fail. But this is not possible on your own. That would surprise me very, very much about the Haas car. “

The most important thing is “that he beats his teammate, Nikita Masepin. Mick Schumacher is better. Maybe he still has the chance to leave Nicholas Latifi behind in the Williams and a driver who makes technical mistakes, ”said Roos before the first race in 2021 on Sunday in Bahrain (5pm CET, live at Sky and at tz.de in the live ticker). Roos is nevertheless confident: “It has to shine when others stumble. He has this chance because of his prudence on the route. ” (pm)

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