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Michel Cymes reached by Covid-19 despite two doses of vaccine, he testifies in On est en direct (VIDEO)

Invited this Saturday, November 20 on the set ofWe are live, Michel Cymes said he caught the Covid-19. He testified about his experience, and again defended the need for the vaccine to protect against severe forms of the virus.

A fifth wave of the Covid-19 epidemic sweeps across Europe. Several countries have thus resolved to take new coercive measures to try to stop the spread of the virus (partial confinement in the Netherlands, confinement of the entire population in Austria and compulsory vaccination from February, etc.). In France, Emmanuel Macron swept away, in an interview with The voice of the North, the idea of ​​confinement of the unvaccinated, as had been established by Austria, emphasizing the existence of the health pass to avoid this radical measure. He had also announced that the people over 65 years of age should receive a third dose of vaccine so that their health pass is still valid, from December 15. Guest on the set d’We are live, this Saturday, November 20, to shed light, as a retired doctor, on this fifth wave which is starting to impose itself in France, Michel Cymes mentioned “a rather worrying situation“.

The vaccine to prevent severe forms of the disease

The host of France Télévisions still wanted to temper: “She is worrying and at the same time, the fact that we are still a very large majority to be vaccinated, make that it is rather reassuring because we will not have a serious form of the disease.” Then he revealed that he himself had caught the Covid-19, three weeks ago despite his two injections of the vaccine. “We are not going to tell stories, the vaccine does not prevent [de l’attraper], most it protects you against severe forms“, explained the media doctor.

The unvaccinated more contagious

Michel Cymes, who had also done his mea culpa a few months ago after having played down the dangerousness of the virus and said that wearing a mask was not necessary “if one is not symptomatic”, also added that the vaccineprevents infecting people“, car “the unvaccinated people infect much more, are much more contagious than people who are vaccinated “. Adriana Karembeu’s sidekick then detailed the reasons why he could have been infected.

Among the first to get vaccinated

“I had been among the first vaccinated to publicize the vaccination and I had passed six months, I was eight, nine months after my second injection“, testified the one who has repeatedly criticized antivax. Before describing his symptoms during this period: “I had two days where I had a cold, I lost my taste and smell for three weeks, I got it back.” Léa Salamé, who co-presents the show alongside Laurent Ruquier, then objected that the recovery of taste and smell could be delayed, despite a double vaccination. “We can be slow to get it back”, conceded Michel Cymes, before concluding: I happen to be an ENT doctor, so I took a bit of a shot to make things faster.”

Article written with the collaboration of 6Medias

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