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Michael van Gerwen and Danny Noppert Exit Grand Slam of Darts: Latest Update and Results

Nov 16, 2023 at 10:25 PM Update: an hour ago

Michael van Gerwen was eliminated on Thursday in the eighth finals of the Grand Slam of Darts. This means that all Dutch people are ready in Wolverhampton, because earlier in the evening the curtain also fell for Danny Noppert.

Van Gerwen lost 7-10 against Damon Heta. The 34-year-old from Brabander still reached 4-2, but then surrendered his leg twice in a row. The Australian kept that break lead for the entire match.

It was not due to Van Gerwen’s average. He recorded a decent 94.38 points per three arrows, which was higher than his opponent’s 91.23 points. Heta’s phenomenal finishing percentage (over 55) was the deciding factor.

Noppert was hardly involved in his quarter-final match against Stephen Bunting. The 32-year-old Fries was broken at 1-2 and then saw the victory disappear further from view.

Ultimately, Noppert recorded an average of 85.41 points per three arrows, which is poor for him. Bunting had an average of 90.83 points and was also a lot more efficient on his doubles. The Brit will face tournament revelation Stowe Buntz in the quarter-finals.

The Grand Slam of Darts lasts until Sunday. The winner may credit an amount of 650,000 pounds (more than 568,000 euros). Van Gerwen took home the top prize three times: in 2015, 2016 and 2017.

Beeld: Getty Images

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Michael van GerwenGrand Slam of DartsDartsDanny Noppert
2023-11-16 22:36:28
#Bijltjesdag #Grand #Slam #Darts #Van #Gerwen #eliminated #Noppert #NU.nl

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