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Michael Bloomberg evaluates to offer Hillary Clinton to be her companion for the presidential formula in the US

Michael Bloomberg is considering Hillary Clinton as her formula partner, according to a source close to the campaign of the Democratic candidate to the US portal Drudge Report. The polls, says the media, revealed that “The Bloomberg-Clinton combination would be a formidable force to face Trump in the race for the White House.”

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The portal even states that The former mayor would be considering changing his official residence from New York to Colorado or Florida – where he also has property – because the polling station prevents candidates for president and vice president from residing in the same state.

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Clinton, a former first lady, former senator for New York and former secretary of state for the Obama administration, said in November that she was receiving a series of calls urging her to reconsider her decision not to participate in the 2020 race. However, earlier this month, he said he was not going to run for president but, reluctantly, left the door open to be on someone else’s ballot. “I never say never because I believe in service to my country, but that is not going to happen,” He said in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres. So far he has not ruled on the rumors of a possible formula with Bloomberg.

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Clinton was the 2016 Democratic presidential candidate and lost the election against Trump, although she won the popular vote.

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Bloomberg, who joined the Democratic race late, has seen an increase in poll numbers despite not being on the ballot for the Iowa election assemblies or the New Hampshire primary, the country’s first fire tests for those who compete for the Democratic presidential nomination.

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The latest Democratic polls

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There are currently 8 candidates registered in the primaries. There were more than 20, but the difficulties in raising funds and the indifference recorded by the surveys with their applications They led several to resign before the first battle.

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Those left in the race are, in addition to Bloomberg and in alphabetical order, former Vice President Joe Biden (2008 – 2016), former Mayor Pete Buttigieg (South Bend, Indiana, 2012 – 2020)the congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii, 2013), Senator Amy Klobuchar (Minnesota, 2007), Senator Bernie Sanders (Vermont, 2007)the tycoon Tom steyer Y Senator Elizabeth Warren (Massachusetts, 2013).

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According to the Reuters / Ipsos poll published on February 10, 17% of registered and independent Democrats said they would vote for Joe biden, five percentage points less than a similar survey that was conducted last week before the Iowa caucus, the first in the country. The senator Bernie Sanders led the survey with 20% support, one point more than last week, while 15% supported Bloomberg, an increase of six points. Meanwhile, 11% said they would vote for the senator Elizabeth Warren.

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The survey highlights the steady decline in support for Biden, who until recently was considered the favorite to win the race for the nomination of the opposition party.

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When asked which candidate is most likely to beat President Trump, 21% chose Biden, nine points below last week. Another 21% said Sanders was the best Democratic letter, while 15% named Bloomberg.

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The poll showed that Bloomberg would beat Trump by four points among registered voters if the two met in November. Sanders would also beat Trump by four points and Biden would beat him by two points.

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The Reuters / Ipsos survey was conducted online, in English, throughout the United States. He collected responses from 952 registered voters, including 556 who identified themselves as Democrats or independents. The survey has a credibility interval, a measure of accuracy, of about five percentage points.

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