Home » today » Entertainment » MGS live-action movie protagonist completes the casting, Oscar Isaac will play “Unwire Snake”-Hong Kongunwire.hk

MGS live-action movie protagonist completes the casting, Oscar Isaac will play “Unwire Snake”-Hong Kongunwire.hk

The live-action movie of games is often quite worrying, and the long-made Metal Gear Solid live-action movie has recently had new news. According to reports, “Uncle Snake” will be taken by Oscar Isaac, but there is still no word on when the movie will be drawn. .

As early as 2006, Hideo Kojima had stated that the Metal Gear Solid live-action movie would begin production, but after more than ten years, there is still no news of actual shooting. Recently, it was reported that Sony, who was in charge of the production, has completed the casting of the protagonist “Uncle Snake” Solid Snake. Oscar Isaac, who once played the role of Poe Dameron in the latest trilogy of Star Wars and the role of Apocalypse in X-Men Apocalypse, has played the role.

Interestingly, Oscar Isaac himself expressed his desire to be the role of Solid Snake in an interview on a show in March last year. It is unknown whether this was the reason why he was selected in the end. Although the protagonist’s casting has been finalized, there is no word on when the film will be drawn or even when shooting will begin.


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