Home » today » Health » Mexico closes week with 392 new cases of COVID-19

Mexico closes week with 392 new cases of COVID-19

Mexico closed the week with 392 new cases of COVID-19, according to the most recent technical report from the federal Ministry of Health.

With this, the number of accumulated cases reached 5 million 722 thousand 933 this Sunday.

The number of deceased people, meanwhile, rose to 323,725, after five other deaths were recorded this day.

Both increases are lower compared to other waves of the pandemic in the country.

As for the number of estimated active cases, the agency in charge of Jorge Alcocer reported 6,900. Active cases are considered the engine of the pandemic because they represent people who had symptoms during the last 14 days and still have the capacity to infect.

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After more than two years of pandemic, Mexico has gone through four waves of infections. Federal health authorities maintain that the current rate is on the decline.

An indicator that supports this statement is the epidemic risk traffic light. The most recent indicates that the 32 entities in the country are in green, that is, the color of lowest risk.

Next Friday, during the Easter holidays, the federal Ministry of Health must announce the new traffic light for all of Mexico. Then it will be known if the green continues for the third consecutive fortnight or if there are changes.

As a result of this, entities such as Coahuila, Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Quintana Roo and Mexico City have already lifted the measure of wearing face masks in open spaces.


Cases and deaths

from COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information at with the Technical Communication of the Ministry of Health.

Data as of February 27, 2020when the first case in the country was confirmed.

Note: On October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that moment and added 2,789 more deaths to the registry, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory tests, but with Viral Respiratory Disease who had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Health Secretary

new cases

from COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information at with the Technical Communication of the Ministry of Health.

Data as of February 27, 2020when the first case in the country was confirmed.

Note: On October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that moment and added 2,789 more deaths to the registry, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory tests, but with Viral Respiratory Disease who had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Health Secretary

Confirmed deaths

for COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information at with the Technical Communication of the Ministry of Health.

*They do not correspond to the day they occurred, but to the day they were added to the total death record.

Data as of February 27, 2020when the first case of COVID-19 was confirmed in the country.

Note: On October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that moment and added 2,789 more deaths to the registry, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory tests, but with Viral Respiratory Disease who had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Health Secretary

List of cases

from COVID-19 in Mexico

Updated information at with the Technical Communication of the Ministry of Health.

Data as of February 27, 2020when the first case in the country was confirmed.

Note: On October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that moment and added 2,789 more deaths to the registry, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory tests, but with Viral Respiratory Disease who had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Health Secretary

Daily percentage increase

from Confirmed cases

Updated information at with the Technical Communication of the Ministry of Health.

Increase of

compared to the previous day

This graph shows the acceleration of the epidemiological curve from March 1.

The first confirmed case in the country was February 27, 2020.

Note: On October 5, 2020, the Ministry of Health adjusted the data accumulated up to that moment and added 2,789 more deaths to the registry, compared to the previous day. These are cases by “epidemiological association”, that is, those confirmed not by laboratory tests, but with Viral Respiratory Disease who had contact with a confirmed case/death.

SOURCE: Health Secretary

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