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Mexican Senate Considers Prohibiting Use of Dolphins and Seals in Entertainment Shows

They seek to prohibit the use of dolphins and seals in shows Photo: Cuartoscuro

The Commission on the Environment, Natural Resources and Climate Change of the Senate of the Republic of Mexico is preparing a reform to analyze, and if necessary approve, a minute of reforms to the General Wildlife Law that prohibit the use of marine mammals, such as dolphins and seals in entertainment shows.

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The Open Parliament was held on reforms that prohibit the use of marine mammals in fixed shows, where experts in the field participated to determine the reasons why shows with these living beings should stop taking place.

A parliament was held to stop the dolphin and seal shows X/@RaulBCCue

During the parliament, the rights that marine mammals have and that must be respected were highlighted, which is why they analyzed possible reforms that would prohibit the use of said specimens in physical shows.

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For her part, Yolanda Alaniz, a consultant for the conservation of marine mammals, explained that Mexico is in fourth place worldwide in mistreatment of this animal species, because they reproduce artificially and are located in places that do not have the necessary conditions for their life, such as pools and pits.

“We have worked in total darkness and the dolphinariums are not handling canned tomatoes or corn, they are talking about handling living, sentient and highly evolved beings.”

Yolanda Alaniz mentioned that Mexico ranks fourth in abuse of this animal species Photo: X/@RaulBCCue

Beatriz Vanda, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), also participated during the workshop and shared some of the main mental disorders suffered by dolphins found under conditions of captivity.

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“We ask that dolphins be seen as subjects or as individuals and not as objects of entertainment or as natural resources that deserve to be protected,” he said.

“Dolphins, like all animals, are considered not only living beings, but also as beings that feel pain, that feel pleasure, but also that have conscious states.”

He highlighted that swimming with dolphins is a stressful activity for these species, which can cause them to develop gastric ulcers.

Beatriz Vanda highlighted the effects that marine mammals suffer when they are exposed in entertainment shows Photo: X/@RaulBCCue

Likewise, the environmental legal consultant, José Luis Funes, highlighted that the legal aspects of dolphinariums in Mexico do not present environmental impact statements before the Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat), only modifications to the environmental impact resolutions of hotels or tourist companies.

María de los Ángeles Cancino, belonging to the UNAM, also explained that dolphins are animals that feel, that they are not property of humans and that they do not live on the planet for the purpose of entertaining humans.

Due to the above, they have requested the Legislative Branch to include in the regulations that prohibit the artificial insemination of marine mammals in captivity, with the exception of species that are in danger of extinction.

Additionally, restrict dolphins and seals from living in ponds, ditches and swimming pools. They will also seek to prohibit shows with marine mammals and restrict their contact with humans.

2023-10-13 01:31:45
#prohibit #dolphins #seals #entertainment #shows

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