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Mexican Artistic Swimming Team arrives after winning two golds in Paris

Mexico City. The Mexican Artistic Swimming Team returned to our country after winning two gold medals at the World Cup in Paris.

Family members and onlookers sang a cappella the Cielito Lindo that sheltered the return of the golden mermaids.

“Less than 24 hours ago we were swimming and knowing that we were able to sing the National Anthem in the Olympic pool gives us a lot of pride,” said Nuria Diosdado from Guadalajara.

In recent months, the team has emerged as the best on the continent and one of the most outstanding internationally.

“We were able to beat the current world champions, Spain and the United States, who have international medals,” he added.

Diosdado, the most experienced of the team, will guide her teammates to their first participation in this modality since Atlanta 1996.

“Now we are the benchmark and everyone is going to want to follow the routines that Mexico has, we have become a role model.”

In Paris, the mermaids did not present the free routine, which they will keep as a precious treasure until the summer date in less than three months.

“In this sport you have to hide your cards, not show everything.”

In room E3 of the Mexico City international airport, entire families gathered to welcome the undines. Among them Samantha Rodríguez’s mother dressed in a typical Jalisco costume and Joana Jiménez’s dog pets Daysi and Coquis.

“We still have several things to improve but the difficulty we manage places us among the best in the world. The competition in Paris helped us a lot to know what to expect at the Games,” said acrobat Jessica Sobrino.

Prior to participating in Paris, the team will participate in the World Cup in Canada and the World Series in Budapest.

“Any detail that we leave unchecked can take us down many places, so we have to have millimeter precision to achieve our goals in Paris,” shared national coach Adriana Loftus.

#Mexican #Artistic #Swimming #Team #arrives #winning #golds #Paris
– 2024-05-11 14:03:03

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