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Mbok Yes Think for the Community!


Entrepreneurs recently asked the government to assign assignments to state-owned enterprises (BUMN) in producing and distributing cooking oil people’s volume (MGCR) and Oily. Not only that, the entrepreneur also asked for relaxation regarding the Value Added Tax (VAT) for the sale of cheap cooking oil.

In response to this, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) questioned what private companies would do, in this case cooking oil producers, if the Oilita and MGCR programs were handed over to SOEs.

“If now this oil is only a state-owned company, what will the private sector want? What do you want to take? big just? Export only? It’s really good to be an entrepreneur, you don’t want to be charged anything. Now it’s a shared responsibility. Gotong royong,” said the Acting Director General of Domestic Trade, Ministry of Trade, Syailendra detik.comFriday (29/7) yesterday.



Syailendra also said, so that entrepreneurs can think about the interests of the Indonesian people as well. “Where do they plant oil palm? In Indonesia, right? Yes, please think for the people of Indonesia. Shame on us, the largest oil palm plantation in the world, we can’t even manage oil,” he continued.

Then, if the production and distribution of Oil is handed over to BUMN, Syailendra said he would charge the APBN. So he hopes there will be cooperation and mutual assistance from entrepreneurs.

“If there is a risk in the assignment to our state budget, if the assignment is done, the government pays the difference. Let’s work together, don’t just fry the chicken next door, the next door doesn’t eat,” he said.

Syailendra also emphasized that if cooking oil entrepreneurs are committed to meeting domestic needs, one of which is to produce Oilita, they will consider eliminating the Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) and Domestic Price Obligation (DPO).

“We will evaluate, if it goes well. What are you doing manage our people, let them export, it’s included in the tax. If it is wrong, it will be investigated by law enforcement,” he said.

“So now what the Minister is asking for is commitment and consistency for the interests of the people, I see aja. If the commitment will be considered, the DMO-DPO will be revoked,” he concluded.

Entrepreneur said cooking oil on the next page.

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