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Mayotte: The director of the ARS reveals the major projects for the hospital

If the full-function ARS was created on January 1, 2020, for the time being Mayotte still depends on the Reunion-Mayotte regional health plan 2018-2023. But Olivier Brahic wants to quickly build the future plan made in Mayotte. In the coming weeks, it will be the subject of consultation with health professionals, local authorities, elected officials and the population. This plan should determine the priority actions to be implemented for the coming years. At the same time, projects to increase the care offer are advancing.

From 2022, work will begin at the CHM and will be completed before the end of the year. They concern the increase in capacity for the maternity department, the securing of the obstetric block and critical care in neonatology, the creation of a dedicated psychiatry unit in Petite-Terre and the acquisition of a second scanner . In addition to these emergency works, other structural projects will see the light of day.

Private projects on the table

To do this, a dedicated task force bringing together the CHM and the ARS has been created and national experts will arrive in the coming weeks to refine these projects. The health authorities want the rehabilitation of existing hospital rooms and the creation of a pediatric sector. A new building must also be built for consultations and the day hospital.

Another major project: strengthening the CMRs (Reference Medical Centres). Olivier Brahic wants to create local hospitals. This involves, for example, the creation of helipads in each CMR. The director of the ARS also wishes to continue capacity building at the Petite-Terre hospital.

Regarding the second site of the hospital, it will be well positioned in Combani. The land provided for this purpose measures 19 hectares, which will make it possible to create a health technology park with accommodation for staff, hospital hotels, etc. In addition to this public hospital, the construction of two private establishments is on the table. One in Chirongui, the other dedicated to follow-up and rehabilitation care, no doubt in the southern half of the island.

Nevertheless, beyond the material means, Mayotte is sorely lacking in health professionals. Olivier Brahic ensures that he will work with elected officials and local authorities to train more on site and create the conditions to increase attractiveness. No small feat.

Pierre Bellusci for France Mayotte Matin

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