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Max Verstappen Wins Las Vegas GP, Charles Leclerc Shines with Second Place

08.45am – Max’s ruthless law, Leclerc’s enormous heart. A second place that is worth a lot

For the twelfth time in a row Charles Leclerc failed to turn pole into victory. And his record remains tied to five successes, the last of which was obtained in Austria in 2022 with a move very similar to the one with which he beat Perez for second place today in Las Vegas.

An overtaking to be seen a thousand times, it’s good for the heart and for hopes, because he has numbers like that. He only needs a top car, it’s up to Ferrari to give it to him as soon as possible. Because dancing on Saturday is tiring, it’s time to party on Sunday. And this time Charles came closer than ever this season.

But it wasn’t enough against SuperMax (53rd place, like Vettel), the real star of this glossy Formula 1 who in Las Vegas, after the false start on Friday, still offered a high-level show on a fast city track full of traps.

08.41 am – Towards the podium in Rolls

Curious ending: the three drivers on the podium Verstappen, Leclerc and Perez are accompanied to the awards ceremony, all three together sitting in the back seat of a Rolls-Royce

8.38am – Las Vegas GP, the top 10

Verstappen, Leclerc, Perez, Ocon, Stroll, Sainz, Hamilton, Russell, Alonso, Piastri.

Ore 08:35 – Vince Verstappen, super Leclerc

Verstappen sings for his 18th victory of the season, he didn’t dominate as usual this time. Against a very great Leclerc he had to struggle and the situation changed when he mounted the hard tires with which Ferrari suffers so much.

08:33 – Lap 50/50 Leclerc passes Perez and is second

Leclerc’s braking performance for second place was beautiful, while Perez was blown away at the last. Verstappen wins.

08.31 am – Lap 49/50 Leclerc’s last assault for second place

Red Bull asks Verstappen to slow down to help Perez with the slipstream.

08.30 am – Lap 48/50 Retirements for Tsunoda and Hulkenberg

Technical problems for the two AlphaTauri and Haas drivers.

08:28 – Lap 47/50 Verstappen in the breakaway

Max flies towards his 18th victory of the season, he has a 4”5 lead over Perez. Leclerc tries in every way for second place.

08.25am – Lap 46/50 Leclerc tries for second place

Leclerc is almost always below second with Perez and will be able to try to use the mobile wing to pass him. She is a swing.

08:24 – Lap 44/50 Sainz is seventh

Carlos seventh, had started twelfth due to the penalty.

Hour 08:22 – Lap 43/50 Perez passes Leclerc

-Charles suffering with tires goes long and Perez passes him for second place.

8.20am – Lap 42/50 The top 5

Verstappen, Leclerc, Perez, Piastri, Ocon

08:18 – Lap 41/50 Perez approaches Leclerc

Perez pushes hard on fresher tires to take second place.

08:16 – Lap 40/50 Leclerc remains second

Charles is in the leading group, he will try until the end to stay in the drs area to try to prank Verstappen. It is an intense and uncertain battle.

08.14am – Lap 39/50 Norris in hospital for checks

After the accident in the first laps, Lando was taken to a hospital in Las Vegas for further checks after an initial visit to the track’s medical center. From McLaren they explain that these are precautionary tests, that the driver left the cockpit alone.

08:12 – Lap 37/50 Verstappen overtakes Verstappen

Verstappen uses the mobile wing on the straight, Leclerc tries to respond by delaying braking but the other uses the same technique. Max leads the Las Vegas GP.

08:10 – Lap 36/50 Leclerc returns to first

Well done to Charles to regain first position by making the most of the DRS, but behind Perez and Verstappen in a second.

08:08 – Lap 35/50 Leclerc remains close to Perez, but has Verstappen behind

Charles is very good at staying under second with Perez, but he has Verstappen behind him putting infernal pressure on him.

08:06 – Lap 33/50 Verstappen passes Piastri

Verstappen passes Piastri, will go to catch Leclerc.

Hour 08:04 – Lap 32/50 Perez passes Leclerc

Perez overtakes Leclerc on the straight before turn 1 with the floating wing and takes the lead.

08:01 – Lap 30/50 Perez attacking Leclerc

Perez, with fresh tires, launches an attack on Leclerc, he is below second and will be able to use the mobile wing.

07:58 – Lap 29/50 Leclerc remains in the lead

Leclerc starts well behind the safety car and remains in the lead ahead of Perez and Piastri. Verstappen is fifth. Russell penalized with 5” for causing the accident with Max.

07.56 am – Lap 28/50 Safety car out

Leclerc complains on the radio about the tires being too cold after lapping behind the safety car: “I’m losing it at the moment.”

07:53 am – Lap 27/50 Leclerc against the Red Bulls

Both Perez and Verstappen have changed tyres, Leclerc will have to try to resist the siege of the two Red Bulls. The accident between Russell and Verstappen is under investigation.

07.52 am – Lap 26/50 Safety car to remove debris

Safety car to remove debris, Perez, Verstappen and Sainz take advantage of this to change tires.

07.50 am – Lap 25/50 Verstappen and Russell touch each other

Max aggressive on Russell, the two touch and the world champion passes. Damage to George’s Mercedes.

07.47 am – Lap 24/50 Verstappen recovers and passes Sainz

Verstappen on hard tires is very close to Russelle and Sainz. However, the world champion is paying for an overloaded set-up which penalizes top speed.

07.45 am – Lap 22/50 The situation after the first pit stops

Perez, Stroll, Leclerc, Sainz, Russell. The Mexican from Red Bull stopped very early for the pit stop on lap 16.

Ore 07:44 – Giro 22/50 Leclerc to gomme change

Stop made in 3”9, not very fast. But in any case within the threshold not considered for error.

07.41 am – Lap 20/50 The top 5

Leclerc, Perez, Ocon, Stroll, Sainz.

07.39 am – Lap 19/50 Leclerc continues

Charles still has the medium tires on at the start, Verstappen seems to be going better with the hard tyres. But it’s not a devastating Red Bull like on other tracks and Ferrari has been strong in Las Vegas since the start of the weekend.

07:36 – Lap 17/50 Hamilton-Piastri contact

At turn 14, Hamilton was forced to return to change tyres.

Ore 07:35 – Giro 16/50 Passa Leclerc

Leclerc passes Max and takes the lead, Verstappen stops at the pit stop and changes the tires also serving the five second penalty.

07:33 – Lap 16/50 Leclerc attacks Max

Verstappen in trouble with tires, Leclerc is on top of him. It seems like a duel of those we saw at the beginning of 2022.

07.31 am – Lap 14/50 Leclerc close to Verstappen

Leclerc is 1”4 behind Verstappen, remember that the Dutchman has a 5” penalty to serve. So if he were to end up like this Leclerc would win.

07.29 am – Lap 13/50 Sainz in difficulty

They ask him to let the car breathe, otherwise he would risk retreating. After contact in the initial stages he moved up to 14th place. A difficult race for the Spaniard, compromised by the absurd ten-place penalty at the start.

07.27am – Lap 12/50 the top 10

Verstappen, Leclerc, Russell, Gasly, Albon, Sargeant, Ocon, Piastri, Hamilton, Magnussen

07:24 – Lap 10/50 Max: «Say hello to the commissioners»

When they tell the Red Bull driver about the penalty he responds like this: «Send him my best regards (to the sports stewards ed.)». But for now the Dutchman is unable to escape from Leclerc, the advantage is around 2”.

07:22 – Lap 8/50 Verstappen penalized

Verstappen penalized with 5” for pushing Leclerc off the track, the Dutchman has a margin of 2” at the moment.

07:19 – Lap 7/50 The safety car comes out

At the restart Verstappen led ahead of Leclerc and Russell.

07.13 am – Lap 5/50 Max’s overtaking under the lens of the stewards

They tell Leclerc to stay calm, the episode is under the scrutiny of the commissioners. Verstappen has already done maneuvers like this in the past without taking penalties.

Ore 07:10 – Giro 4/50 Norris a muro, safety car

The safety car came out: Norris ended up against the barriers. The McLaren driver is fine. Sainz takes the opportunity to make the pit stop.

07:07 am – Lap 2/50 Virtual safety car to remove debris

There were contacts at the start between Hamilton and Alonso, Sainz was also involved and the virtual safety car regime was activated to remove the debris.

07.05 am – Lap 1/50 Max hard on Charles at the start

Max gets a good start then takes Charles outside beyond the limits of the track, the episode was noticed by the stewards.

Verstappen closes in on Leclerc and passes, there will be discussion about this move

06.59 am – The choice of tires, start of the formation lap

Here are the tire choices, so we’re heading towards a two-stop race. Hamilton instead prefers to fit hard tires at the start.

06.53 am – Fundamental departure

Leclerc will have to be perfect, in Mexico Verstappen had overtaken the two Ferraris at the start to take the lead. This time, however, it seems like a much fitter Red also in terms of race pace.

06.45 am – Possible race strategies

According to Pirelli, a two-stop race is likely: starting on the medium tires and then switching to the hard tyres. The temperature is 18° degrees with asphalt at 20° C.

06.40 am – The danger of an oil stain

In the parade with historic cars before the race, a car leaked oil on the track and safety workers are working to absorb the liquid. Las Vegas has an asphalt road having been built on parts open to city traffic.

06.31am – Cars on the grid

Everything is ready for the start of the Las Vegas GP (7 am), there will be 50 laps on a completely new track. F1 had only raced twice in Nevada (in 1981-1982) on a completely different track. Alboreto won last time.

– Group photo in front of the Ferrari garage (Afp)

06.28 am – The starting grid of the Las Vegas GP

First row Charles Leclerc (Mon/Ferrari) Max Verstappen (Ola/Red Bull) Second row George Russell (Gbr/Mercedes) Pierre Gasly (Fra/Alpine-Renault) – Third row Alexander Albon (Tha/Williams-Mercedes) Logan Sargeant ( Usa/Williams-Mercedes) – Fourth row Valtteri Bottas (Fin/Alfa Romeo-Ferrari) Kevin Magnussen (Dan/Haas-Ferrari) Fifth row Fernando Alonso (Spa/Aston Martin-Mercedes) Lewis Hamilton (Gbr/Mercedes) Sixth row Sergio Pérez (Mex/Red Bull) Carlos Sainz Jr (Spa/Ferrari) Seventh row Nico Hulkenberg (Ger/Haas-Ferrari) Daniel Ricciardo (Aus/AlphaTauri-Red Bull) Ottava row Lando Norris (Gbr/McLaren-Mercedes) Esteban Ocon ( FRA/Alpine-Renault) – Ninth row Oscar Piastri (Aus/McLaren-Mercedes) Zhou Guanyu (Chn/Alfa Romeo-Ferrari) – Tenth row Lance Stroll (Can/Aston Martin-Mercedes) Yuki Tsunoda (Jpn/AlphaTauri-Red Bull )

06.18 am – Fans removed on Friday, class action against F1

06:14 – Verstappen against the penalty to Sainz

(Daniele Sparisci) Verstappen was promoted to the front row (from 3rd) thanks to Sainz’s absurd penalty, relegated ten positions – from 2nd to 12th – for having mounted the third battery pack destroyed by the manhole (along with other set off). An unjust punishment, Verstappen expressed solidarity with the Spaniard: “If it had happened to me I would be very angry, Carlos is right to complain.”

06.08 am – Leclerc and the art of the flying lap

05.35 am – Where to see it on TV

The Las Vegas GP is scheduled for Sunday 18 November at 7am, with repeat performances from 10am.

2023-11-19 07:13:53
#Las #Vegas #great #show #Verstappen #wins #Leclerc #overtakes #Perez #lap #2nd #Sainz #6th #Direct

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