Home » today » Technology » Max Kruse after the racism incident against Torunarigha: Insults in social media “under all dignity and under all pig” – sport

Max Kruse after the racism incident against Torunarigha: Insults in social media “under all dignity and under all pig” – sport

Max Kruse has again expressed concern about racism and also appealed to politicians. After an uproar about Olympic teammate Jordan Torunarigha in a preparatory game of the German team against Honduras, Kruse has now published an almost eight-minute video on Instagram, recorded in his accommodation in the Olympic village of Tokyo.

“I think that the time has just come again to say something about it and express my opinion,” said the football professional from 1. FC Union Berlin.

He does not want to express the insults that have already reached him and his girlfriend via social networks, “because they are under all dignity and under all pig”. But it is all the more important that he uses his range. Over 380,000 people follow him on Instagram alone. He had “the feeling that racism is more likely to be more than less in the last few weeks and months,” said Kruse.

“I’m pretty sure that there is no silver bullet for what will help against racism. I am also pretty sure that my statements will not end racism now, “said the 33-year-old and continued:” Nevertheless, I am of the opinion that everyone has to think for themselves, what values ​​they convey and have thoughts therefore, how to get racism to where it belongs: and completely destroy it. “

He is of the opinion that racism is fundamentally not a political issue but one that affects all of humanity. Nevertheless, it is politics, as the highest management level, that can bring about change.

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“I wonder why we can’t manage to take several million in hand to fight racism in some way,” said Kruse: “Why can’t we do identity checks on social media Apps with comment function. ”

In this way, anonymous hate speech and anonymous racism can be fought and punished accordingly. “You certainly can’t end it by that, but we have to start somewhere. If we don’t start anywhere, nothing in the world will change, ”emphasized Kruse. (dpa)

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