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Masked singer manages to cheat on everyone


For the first time since the start of the popular show, Sunday evening, a singer took off his mask without any of the investigators having recognized him.

• Read also: Here are all the participants and those unmasked at Masked Singers

• Read also: See again the touching performance that made everyone cry at the premiere of Masked Singers

During the second episode of the song contest, the Space Queen made her first appearance singing A Sky Full of Stars de Coldplay.

In her first capsule of clues, Her Majesty placed a lot of emphasis on “helping and making others shine.” She also implied that she had big ambitions and had been very successful.

After his first performance, investigators were puzzled. The names that came out were Chantal Lacroix, Mahé Paiment, Diane Dufresne, Alexandra Stréliski and France Beaudoin.

Sunday evening, the Queen returned to the stage for the Duels stage and delivered her version of Bad Romance by Lady Gaga. Unfortunately, her performance could not beat that of poutine (still unknown!) And she was eliminated from the competition.

Before the big unveiling, the panel had one last chance to change their mind. Stéphane Rousseau opted for Michèle Richard, Marc Dupré and Anouk Meunier bet on Danièle Henkel, Véronique Dicaire leaned towards Alexandra Stréliski and the choice of Sam Breton finally settled on “criss-crossed love”, Louise Latraverse.

Well nobody was right.

After a 30 second pause and a moment of unbearable tension, the bodyguards came to remove the large foam head of the Space Queen to reveal none other than Lise Watier.


LISE WATIER! We didn’t know she sang like that. In addition to 78 years!

The 78-year-old businesswoman managed to fool the five investigators (and probably the overwhelming majority of the public at home (except the author of this article’s stepfather)). Véronic Dicaire even exclaimed: “OH MY GOD IT’S MADAME WATIER!”

Ms. Watier thus joined the other unmasked Michel Bergeron, Pierre Brassard, Normand Brathwaite and Marie-Claude Barrette.


And you, did you recognize her?




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